WHEN YOU SEE A SCORPION and pick it up because you thought that it looked like a grasshopper, you’ll learn a lesson you’ll never ever forget because it will sting you mercilessly to teach you the importance of proper recognition.
Many have lost Angelic Spouses as a result of lack of proper recognition of who their Spouse was. They treated them like trash and today they live in endless and unabating regrets and self blame.
The reason why you treat the N1000 bank note with greater care than you do the N50 note is RECOGNITION. You know that it has a very high value. It’s for the the same reason that you’re careful and extra-protective of your expensive android phones.
Adam rightly recognized his God-given wife as the Bone of his Bones and the Flesh of his Flesh and therefore treated her with great respect. He named her WOMAN because she was made out him. He saw her as his bones multiplied and his flesh magnified. He went further to name her EVE, in recognition of her status as the Mother of all the living things, including himself.
Dearly Beloved, I’m constrained to tell you this blunt truth: of all the human beings on earth, your spouse is the greatest in your life. No Pastor, Bishop, Mentor, Boss or Friend contributes to your life as much as your spouse despite the fact that they’re not perfect. When you finally die, no spiritual leader, business associate or friend will mourn you like your spouse. Infact, that organization for which you’re risking life and limb may not do much more than buy a casket for you, hand your family a condolence fund in a brown envelope and soon you’re a forgotten former worker. But your spouse will mourn you dearly and do all they can to perpetuate your memory and legacy.
Your spouse is a Distinguished Personage. If distinguished guests of honour are accorded high respect at events, your Spouse deserves much more. If Special guests of honour are given special seats, treated preferentially, served entertainment with the best of plates and cutleries, your husband deserves even more.
Finally, recognize the fact that your spouse is a precious Gift that you have been given to enjoy FOR A PERIOD OF TIME. Don’t spend the time you have fighting each other. Use the time you have to love, serve and honour one another before the sunset of widowhood/widower life comes.
Today, sit down together and review how you’ve treated each other over the years.
Perhaps, you have respected outsiders much more than each other. If so, apologize to one another.
Yes, it’s okay to respect others but ensure that YOU HIGHLY LOVE AND RESPECT ONE ANOTHER!