THROUGH SAINT PAUL’S MASSIVE AND INTENSIVE MISSIONARY WORK in Corinth, many of the city’s idolatrous populace got converted to Christianity and Corinth became one of the vibrant centers of Gospel work in the first century.
Even though they were saved in their thousands and enjoyed the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, the Corinthian Christians had disturbing questions which all of St. Paul’s anointed sermons never addressed.
Doubtless, Paul was a great Apostle, but his silence on the great and sensitive matter of Sex in Marriage left the Corinthian married christian couples unsatisfied.
Thankfully, they were not prepared to die in silence. They wrote to Apostle Paul and his answer gives us a part of God’s doctrine on Sex Life in Marriage.
Our Anchor scripture today, charges us with the duty of avoiding fornication, which is Sexual Immorality. We are also told in very plain terms what to do to prevent falling into sexual immorality. It is to HAVE OUR OWN SPOUSE.
“Nevertheless, to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and every woman her own husband.”(1 Corinthians 7:2) The Word HAVE in the verse above has dual or double meaning. First, it means to GET MARRIED. Secondly, it means: ” MAKE LOVE TO YOUR OWN SPOUSE.” This second meaning implies that it isn’t enough to be married. You need to see to it that you practically have Sexual Intimacy often and constantly with your spouse. 1 Corinthians 7:2 saddles both husband and wife respectively with the duty of practically having sex with their mate to prevent the ugly and deadly incident of falling into sexual temptations.
Sometime ago, a Pastor’s wife was caught in bed with her husband’s younger brother. Long story short her unfaithfulness was as a result of her husband’s continual absence from the matrimonial bed. For as long as 8 months he wouldn’t touch his wife all because he was “busy” doing Ministry! And so the wife fell into sexual immorality!
God’s Word is clear on what you should do to prevent you and your beloved Spouse from falling into fornication. It’s to make your Marriage an intensely sexual relationship where lovemaking is as often as you drink water. You freely drink Water whenever you’re
thirsty, isn’t it? When Thirst hits you, you never say, “But I’ve drunk water twice today already. No, I won’t drink again until tomorrow. I must be disciplined.” Is that what you’d say? No. Instead, you’ll go to the point where you have Water in the house and drink to your satisfaction. That’s how it should be with sexual intimacy in your marriage. It’s the Water of Married Life and should be drunk as freely as you drink ordinary Water.
Tonight, drink Waters from your own Cistern running Waters from your own Well!ππ―π₯π΄π·ππ·π―