Enriching Matrimonies

God’s Doctrine On Sex Life In Marriage (Pt 3)

‘The Wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath no power of his own body, but the Wife.’
(1 Corinthians 7: 4)

MARRIAGE IS A ONE FLESH LIFE in which the Spouses own each other’s Body. This truth is emphatically declared in our anchor scripture for today.

When you recall that Adam and Eve were both naked in the garden of Eden, and had full access to seeing, touching, feeling, smelling, tasting and “hearing” all of each other’s Body round the clock,
it becomes very easy to accept this mutual ownership of each other’s Body in Marriage.

And there are other scriptures that buttress this truth.
For instance, Jesus said: “Wherefore they are
no more twain, but ONE FLESH”(Matthew 19:6a). Moses recorded: “Male and female created he them, and blessed them, AND CALLED THEIR NAME ADAM, in the day when they were created.”(Genesis 5:2) So, husband and wife are one body, have one identity; and there’s no part of your body that you should hide from your spouse.

Marriage gives you the license to freely SEE, TOUCH, TASTE, FEEL, “HEAR” AND SMELL each other erotically and romantically.

Sadly, this isn’t the reality in most marriages as many Spouses are still bound by the chains of shyness, shame, ignorance, superstitions, taboos and inferiority complex. But no one need feel inferior about their body because God’s Word makes it clear that we are each fearfully and wonderfully made!(Psalm 139:14)

Now, let’s get back to our anchor verse.

It tell us that Spouses own one another’s body. Wife, your breasts, butts, nipples, and indeed, every part of your beautiful, delicate and delectable Body belong to your husband. Allow him to enjoy everyone of them so long as he does so within the confines of Righteousness and the provisions of Scripture. Similarly, the husband’s penis, scrotum, glans and indeed, every other part of his handsome masculine body belong to the Wife. It’s her matrimonial rights to enjoy everyone of them within the provisions of God’s Word. She’s free to see, feel, touch, taste, smell and “hear” any of them.

However, unwholesome and abominable practices such as Anal Sex, that God clearly forbids must be avoided like a plague.

It was my privilege to teach Married Couples in a Conference a few years back. During the “Questions and Answers” Session, a Wife complained about her husband’s dislike for oral sex which she loves. To her, his body was her’s and he ought to allow her to suck him. His refusal did not go down well with her.

While it’s very true that in Marriage Spouses belong to each other bodily, as our anchor scripture tells us, Marriage is unarguably an institution of Love and Honour, where no one should compell or force their partner to carry out any sexual act against their will, personal conviction and conscience. If for for instance, your partner does not like Oral Sex, don’t blame and call them names. We are from different backgrounds and have had different exposures growing up. Allow your partner to be himself. Patiently allow them to grow until they are convinced by God to like what you like. Never for any reason force, pressurize, coerce or prevail on them to accept what you like. Such would not only be wrong but grossly sinful in the sight of GOD.

Tonight, read the Songs of Solomon chapters 3 and 4.
After reading share with each other what you have learned from the passage.