IN OUR ANCHOR SCRIPTURE above, we see the multidimensional growth of Jesus during His childhood.
Note particularly the growth of his relationships: HE INCREASED IN FAVOUR WITH GOD AND MAN; proving that the vital components of relationships can each grow and increase or otherwise stagnate and dwindle. This means that Love can grow if tended and nurtured or it could diminish if left untended.
Your marriage is a LIVING RELATIONSHIP and ought to experience multidimensional growth. Every segment of your union should get better. Your companionship, mutual understanding, sexual intimacy, etc, should each
be better this year than they were last year. But sadly, this is not the case in many marriages.
Many don’t know that their Love Life and Marriage ought to grow, let alone know what to do to enhance their growth.
Now, let’s look at how your Love Life and Marriage can grow. To do this, it’s important to understand the difference between your personal love life and your marriage.
Your Love Life is that part of you that desires and enjoys relationship with the opposite sex. God gave you this aspect of your life and it’s His perfect will that you share it with ONLY ONE PERSON: your legitimate Spouse.
How do grow your personal Love Life? The primary key is the following verse:
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”(Romans 12:2)
In your love life, don’t conform to the dictates and practices of the World! The world believes and promotes infidelity, fornication, adultery, pornography, incest, and all the other forms of sexual immorality.
To them, having a corrupt and defiled love life is a mark of being a celebrity or a socialite; and that’s why they glamorize extramarital affairs, serial polygamy, divorce, etc. But what do they have left after some years? Sick, weak, wrecked and wretched love lives. Many of them depend on aphrodisiacs and drugs such as Viagra pills to cope sexually. Why? Because sexual sins are destroyers of the body’s sexual systems. On the other hand, Righteousness doesn’t only exalt Nations, it exalts the sexuality of husbands and wives who stay faithful to each other out of reverence for God and obedience to His Word! It’s Righteousness that gave patriarchs like Abraham and Moses the sexual vigour that enabled them marry in good old age. It’s Righteousness that gave Caleb the strength to conquer the mountain of Giants when he was 85 years old. Righteousness exalts, grows, increases and enhances Love Life.
Romans 12:2 commands you to seek “Transformation” through the renewal of your mind! How does this happen for your Love Life? By learning and doing what God’s Word says about Love Life and Marriage.
As you gain the knowledge of God’s doctrine on Love Life and obey them faithfully, you will experience a consistently growing love life and a happy marriage.
Now, let’s look at your marriage briefly. It’s the union of you and your beloved Spouse. It’s growth depends on how much attention you give to it. In other words, it depends on how much you obey God’s Word on your marital roles and your divinely given duties in the life of your spouse.
When you and your beloved Spouse are given to reading and doing God’s Love Life Laws, your romantic and sexual life as a couple will always be vibrant, healthy, strong and robust.
When you’re about going to bed tonight, read of God’s Love Life and Marriage Laws that are in Ephesians 5:23-33 together.