Enriching Matrimonies

Lovebirds: There’s Power In Living Joyfully!

‘Live joyfully with the Wife who thou lovest’
(Ecclesiastes 9:9a)

A HAPPY MARRIAGE TAKES WORK. It’s never something you stumble upon. You don’t find a happy marriage on the ground like you would a lost coin or misplaced phone.

Our anchor verse gives you one of the surest Keys for enjoying a blissful, happy and robust marriage. It’s to “LIVE JOYFULLY WITH YOUR SPOUSE.” God’s not gonna come down from Heaven to do it for you. You have to do it yourself.

Now, it doesn’t say that you live in an easy world that’s full of friendly economies, ever-smiling neighbours and situations that favour Marriages and make them thrive. No! God knows that the world is full of trials and travails; storms and volcanoes. But He knows that even in the midst of these adversities, you and your spouse can successfully experience a consistently victorious married life by living joyfully with each other; because there’s POWER IN LIVING JOYFULLY!

When you’re both downcast, you must not let the circumstances sour your union. Instead, come together and ignite JOY by starting a conversation. Then move on to other activities. Join hands and pray for a few minutes. Get your Hymnbooks out and sing. Yes, sing praises to GOD. Simply refuse to brood on your challenges and you’ll find that you’ve knocked the devil down and out.

Remember Paul and Silas in the Macedonian prison. They first prayed. But after the prayer there was no miracle. Well, they proceeded to offer fervent praises to God. We’re told that they sang out loud and the prisoners heard them. As they sang praises to God, He sent a mighty earthquake that broke their chains and opened the prison doors!

Don’t let the storms of life shut your mouths. You and your spouse are a praise team. Live joyfully with each other and your marriage will be a triumphant union that scares the devil!
Just before going to bed tonight, bring out your Hymn books and sing three Old-time Hymn together.