SAUL WASN’T THE ONLY Pharisee in Jerusalem. There were very many others. But he made the sad choice of being “The Tormentor” who’d breathe threatenings at the Church. He was filled with rage and fury; and because of him, the Believers in Jerusalem fled the City in their thousands.
But Saul suddenly had an encounter with Jesus; and there and then, made up his mind to obey “the heavenly vision.”
What was the cause of the blinding fury and rage that turned him into a Monster? IGNORANCE and UNBELIEF! Hear him:
“Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.”(1 Timothy 1:13). Ignorance and Unbelief turned Saul into a dreaded Monster!
Sir/Ma, Ignorance of Biblical Truths on Marriage, could also make you a Monster and a heartless Tormentor in your own home; so much so that your mere appearance would strike fear and dread into the soul of your mate!
Way back in the 1980s when I was still very much single, a Sister in our church told of how she used to dread her Husband when she wasn’t saved. As soon as she’d hear the sound of his car as he arrived from an outing, a sore fear would tear through her. She’d be in utter panic. Not that she had done any wrong but because theirs wasn’t a Bible-based matrimony but a master-servant union. What would you expect when such a couple got into bed for intimacy? The scared wife would be subservient, of course. She’d cringe and bow to the whims and caprices of her cruel Husband.
In marriage, a wife is not to be subservient but submissive.
Subservience comes from fear but Submission comes from a heart of Love.
In marriage, you are called to function as a LOVER. When you joyfully embrace this calling, you’ll grow into a Love Devotee! Love casts out fear. Love makes your spouse draw closer to you.
CHOOSE to be a Lover and not an Oppressor.
Physically or psychologically battering, assaulting and dominating your mate profits you nothing. You’ll only reduce them to weak, demoralized, and shrivelled victims you can in no way be proud of.
There is Grace for everything.
Tonight, come together and EARNESTLY pray GOD to grant you His Grace to function as LOVERS in your Marriage (Heb. 4:16).