JACOB AND RACHEL HAD NEVER MET. But hearing from those around him that Rachel was the daughter of his Uncle Laban, Jacob drew near her and kissed her. This was most likely a gentle peck on her cheek. But soft and insignificant as it seemed, it communicated effectively! It laid the groundwork for the words of Jacob by which he introduced himself as her relative.
We can learn from our anchor scripture that Kisses are not only for Lips and Mouths. They can be planted on other parts of the body: THE FOREHEAD, CHEEKS, HANDS, NECK and EAR.
Between Husbands and Wives, Kisses could be planted on ARMPITS, THIGHS, GROIN, HIPS, LEGS, FEET, BUTTS , ETC. And each of these kisses are powerful expressions of Love and transmit unspoken but clear messages. These levels of Kissing create new and stronger bonds of love between the spouses.
As Born Again Christians , we know that our Bodies are the Sanctuary, Temple and House of the Holy Spirit. And since the Blessed Holy Spirit finds our Bodies holy enough to dwell in it, Believers who are married should
see the body of their Spouses as holy, pure and immaculate to kiss with joy!
As a married man or woman, you need to at all times be conscious of the fact that you and your Mate are now ONE FLESH. This being so, there’s no part of each other’s Body that should not be accessible to the other for Kissing except those parts that are Exits for the disposal of the body’s wastes.
Tonight, you and your Spouse should kindly take time to stand in agreement and pray for MAXIMUM MARRIAGE MINISTRIES, the Body that produces the LOVEBIRDS’ DEVOTIONAL. Earnestly intercede for us that the Lord meet all our needs as a Ministry.