WHEN PHARAOH SETI 1, began his Reign of Terror during which
the children of Israel were the target of his fury and deep seated hatred, the people of God had absolutely no idea how long their enslavement would last.
But because they kept their Marriages intact and FULLY FUNCTIONAL, the depletion of their population didn’t only get quickly filled up but THEIR ROBUST LOVE LIVES BECAME A GREAT SOURCE OF COMFORT AND CONSOLATION to their oppressed men as they returned home each day, weary from daunting labours. Hear what the Bible says:
“But the more they afflicted them, THE MORE THEY MULTIPLIED AND GREW. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel.β The more the Oppressor oppressed the children of Israel, the more God’s people increased in numbers! However, their multiplication was not as result of praying and fasting, as good as those two spiritual exercises are, though. Their amazing demographic increase was because they kept the Light of their Marriages burning high. They refused to let the Oppressor achieve his aim of breaking their spirits. The Fire of Romance, Passion, Affection, and Steamy Sexual Intimacy were kept high in their respective homes and Marriages.
Their Women refused to let the fear of Pharoah’s Death Decree on Hebrew male Babies keep them from giving Affection and Sexual Intimacy to their husbands.
They chose to be brave and fearless! They loved their Husbands all evening and night, refreshing them and giving them renewed strength and courage to go out to their slavish tasks the next morning. As a result, Israel experienced astonishing population explosion that shocked their adversaries.
What’s going on in your Marriage right now? Has your Husband been sacked? Are you neck deep in a legal battle that’s costing you so much and yet the prospects of winning are very bleak? Are you going through your worst tough times since you got married? Well, I understand your pains. But please, don’t let the situation make you SUSPEND any aspects of your Marriage. It’s during hard times, like you’re going through now, that you need each other the most. It’s during tough times that you need Sex, Affection, Companionship, Closeness, and mutual trust from each other.
If the vibrant Marriages of the Israelites in Egypt helped them to overcome the oppression of Pharoah and his cruel Taskmasters, then it’s proof that a Good Marriage is a means to Victory.
Always keep your Marriage active and strong. It will greatly help you in any Battles that might be ahead you right now.
“For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, BUT BY LOVE SERVE ONE ANOTHER”
Marriage is based on Love and Love is all about SERVING ONE ANOTHER. This night ask each other: “MY DEAR, WHAT ONE SPECIAL THING WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO DO FOR YOU THIS COMING WEEK?”
Do your best to do that thing for your Spouse.