Enriching Matrimonies

A Unique Devotional Flight(Pt.1)

‘Enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward in life and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun.’
(Ecclesiastes 9:9)

SONGS ARE POWERFUL when it comes to helping learners, and indeed every other person, in committing things to memory.

In Primary 5, we were taught the history of American Railway. To help us remember the lesson, our teacher taught us a Song: “American Railway was begun in 1856…” It’s over fifty years but that song has remained etched in my memory. Similarly, Acronyms aid us in remembering things.

So, we’re going to use a name that belongs in the Marriage World as our “Acronym”; with the intent of imparting knowledge that will help you live a vibrant, strong and robust Love Life with your spouse.

The name is PENIS. Now, don’t panic. Just fasten your belt and be calm as we take this unique
“Devotional Flight”. Remember, we’re LOVEBIRDS. Flying is natural to us!

*P* PASSIONATELY MAXIMIZE YOUR MARRIAGE. Enough of sedentary, laid back and dull Love Life, which is why many stray into extramarital affairs; thinking that, that’s where “The Nectar of Love” can be found. Sir, The Nectar of Love is right there in your marriage and it’s in great abundance!

Wake up and begin to live an electrified married life with your dear spouse! There’s no better time for it than NOW.

God brought you and your partner into this romantic love relationship that’s called Marriage for you to enjoy one another and not to frustrate each other.

In Marriage, you are both Licenced Lovers and God desires as well as expects you to make the most of your union.

As you probably have read or heard, “MARRIAGE IS TO BE ENJOYED AND NOT TO BE ENDURED.” May be you’ve thought all along that it’s just another worn-out clichΓ© that’s being mouthed by religious folks. No, dearly beloved.
It’s the truth about Marriage. Consider our anchor scripture for today:

“ENJOY LIFE WITH THE WOMAN WHOM YOU LOVE ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR FLEETING LIFE which He has given to you under the sun; FOR THIS IS YOUR REWARD IN LIFE AND IN YOUR TOIL in which you have labored under the sun.”(Ecclesiastes 9:9 NASB) In this verse, God commands us to ENJOY LIFE with our beloved spouses. Don’t just stay under the same roof from year to year breeding more children. No. Make your everyday living a feast, a celebration. Get the music playing and dance together in the bedroom; not because it’s anyone’s birthday but because you love each other.
Why? Because you’re not going to have this blessing of being together as one flesh forever. That Marriage of yours might just be for ten, twenty, thirty five, sixty years or less; no one knows except God. You have no idea when you or your spouse would be summoned to the great beyond. So God says, ENJOY YOUR MARRIAGE NOW. If you understand the brevity of life as a whole, you won’t waste your precious Marriage Years fighting each other and provoking one another.

Neither you nor your Spouse is perfect and so you’ll make mistakes and hurt each other by action or words from time to time. It’s your duty, however, to be matured enough to bear with each other, forgive one another; and gradually, you’ll outgrow your weaknesses.

Our anchor scripture tells you something remarkable towards it’s end. It’s that your marriage is your reward for your physical toils on earth. Is that true? Yes, it is. There’s nothing you have that can give and share deep intimacy with you like your Spouse. Your Mate is a warm bundle of Adult Life that God has given you to Love and to enjoy

Harness and optimize the companionship potentials as well as the romantic and sexual delights that God has abundantly placed in your union for your mutual enrichment, happiness and fulfillment.

Passionately pursue loving each other and making your union a palace of matrimonial bliss.

We dwelt on *P* the first letter of the name PENIS today. Remember, the first sentence that opened the Teaching: PASSIONATELY MAXIMIZE YOUR MARRIAGE.
Tonight, see what new things you can do to maximize your enjoyment of your marriage.