Enriching Matrimonies

The Marriage Bedroom And Unholy Sexual Practices

‘Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.’
(Hebrews 13:4)

WHEN WE GET REDEEMED, God expects us to, by His Word and His Spirit, know how to differentiate between good and bad, the holy and the unholy. We must not be like the heathen or the unsaved whose minds and consciences are blinded and deadened by Sin; resulting in their practice of gross sexual abominations(Ephesians 4:17-20)

Every married couple needs to memorize our anchor scripture for today. This verse tells us that Marriage is an estate of HONOUR. In other words Marriage ought to be highly regarded, highly esteemed and should be seen as precious by all. And why not? God Himself honoured it by making it the first institution on planet earth, when He personally instituted it in Eden, His own Garden. Jesus Christ honoured it by performing His first miracle on earth at the marriage feast in Cana, Galilee. The Holy Spirit honoured it by inspiring Apostles Paul and Peter to write about it in the New Testament. Therefore, Marriage is an holy estate and it’s Bed(it’s Sexual Intimacy) must he honoured, reverenced and hallowed by the couple. Consequently,
couples must mind the kind of sexual practices
they give their bodies to in the marriage bedroom.

Not all forms of Sex are approved by God. Indeed, God’s Word isn’t silent on the forms of Sex that God hates and vehemently prohibits.

For a start, our anchor scripture lists two forms of Sex that are hateful to God and for which sake HIS JUDGEMENT will surely fall upon those committing them. They are: PATRONAGE OF HARLOTS or commercial sex workers, whether male or female. Secondly, ADULTERY; which many now lightly call cheating.

When we look at Leviticus 18, 20, and Romans 1, God lists other sexual practices that are unlawful in His sight. They include: ANAL SEX (Homosexuality: Leviticus 18:22); LESBIANISM (Woman sleeping with woman Romans 1: 26); BESTIALITY OR CONFUSION (Man or Woman sleeping with an Animal, Leviticus 18:23); INCEST(Sex with anyone you’re related to by blood or by marriage, Leviticus 18:6-18).

In our generation, men and women have introduced other abominable sexual practices that include: THREESOME (Three persons coming together for Sex instead of one husband and one Wife, as God established in the beginning); THE USE OF SEX TOYS AND SEX MACHINES IN MARRIAGE, etc.

Dearly Beloved Spouses, it’s important we don’t allow ourselves to be deceived by what’s going on in the world. God’s Word, the Bible is our only Guide Book for all areas of life including the very sensitive area of Sex.

Sex was given to be practiced by Husband and Wife and then, it should be strictly within the holy confines of their Marriage. Further more, strange practices like ANAL SEX and THREESOME must not be part of it. Bringing in such practices is to corrupt the blessing and turn it into an abomination.

Marital Sex as ordained by God must be strictly between Man and Wife AND IT MUST BE NATURAL. It must be a fusion of the natural bodies of the Spouses. Artificial male organs must not be inserted into the wife and neither should the husband mate with an artificial female parts.


Sometime ago, someone asked me if husband and wife could practice Anal Sex. The answer is NO!!!

Anal Sex is EVIL.
The Anus in both men and women is marked EXIT; it’s strictly for the excretion of the body’s wastes. IT’S NOT AN ENTRY POINT and definitely not for the exercise of the sacred union of ONE FLESH which God established in Eden and gave to a holy and sinless couple, Adam and Eve.

Anal Sex was developed by Satanists, specifically the world of Sorcery. They use it to work Sex Magic. How on earth would you bring such a deeply heinous practice into your precious Marriage Bedroom?

ANAL SEX LEADS TO THE BREEDING OF WORMS AND MAGGOTS IN THE WIFE’S VAGINA, not to talk of the wounds that would develop in her Anal passage that would make her smelly and foul as the wounds may take long or too long to heal!

ANAL SEX IS SEX RITUAL and leads not only to the transfer of sexually transmitted diseases but also to the transfer of SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DEMONS!

*Mark your husband if he persistently demands Anal Sex from you. Men who crave Anal Sex are SORCERERS. Sorcerers practice Anal Sex and by it KILL THE WOMB OF THE LADIES AND SACRIFICE IT.

Sit down together and discuss today’s devotional piece.