Enriching Matrimonies

True Love Braves Suffering(Pt. 1)

‘Charity suffereth long…Beareth all things…endureth all things’
(1 Corinthians 13: 4a,7a,c)

AT THE AGE OF TWENTY, George Matheson, a handsome British songwriter and a graduate of the University of Glasgow was engaged to be married. One day he went to the hospital and his physician told him that he would go blind in view of his failing optical health. When he saw his fiancee after leaving the hospital, he broke the news to her, perhaps expecting some words of comfort. Well, he got no such. Instead, the young woman changed her mind about marrying him and told him so. She couldn’t see how she would go through life with a blind man as her husband. Her Love certainly wasn’t the type in our anchor scripture.

A young man employed with a Lumbering company set out into the forest with his team. While high up on a tree trunk, his work belt accidentally got cut. Unfortunately, this happened while a powerful wood processing machine was beneath him. He fell right into it and even though one of his colleagues hastened and successfully put off the engine, it had already done so much damage to his body. After being in the hospital for months, he finally got back home but was confined to the wheelchair. His wife stayed with him throughout the hospital period but after being with him at home for sometime and seeing how disfigured he had become, she told him she couldn’t continue with the Marriage and walked out to find new Love. To her the Wedding vow “to have and to hold…in sickness and in health…till death do us part” no longer mattered!

Dear Spouses, situations and circumstances will arise as time goes on and the stuff of which the Love you’ve professed to have for your Mate will be tested.

The widespread saying that “Marriage is to be enjoyed and not be endured” isn’t completely true. It’s a bit of truth matched with dangerous fallacy and such aren’t only wrong and misleading but deadly and lethal.

Our anchor scripture highlights some of the components of True Love that most people prefer not to hear let alone talk about. Sir, Ma, you cannot practice genuine and unfeigned love without suffering or being inconvenienced. There is ALWAYS some cost to Love. And because this is so and many are not prepared to pay the price it takes to love their Spouse, we have so many loveless, shallow and superficial marriages today. And that’s why divorce is rampant even among evangelicals, pentecostals and their preachers.

Our anchor scripture shows, among other things, that genuine Love SUFFERS LONG! It puts up with suffering, troubles and travails FOR LONG; and it does this gallantly for the sake of their Spouse, the vows of marriage they took on the wedding day and because of God for whom they have so much reverence and love.

A housewife I know suddenly walked out of her marriage because of hardship in the home. She forgot that the home wasn’t like that when she was newly married. All entreaties from her husband fell on deaf ears as she was determined to leave. Well, not too long after her departure, God visited the husband. Financial blessings flooded his home and bank accounts. God moved from him “Legzus” (trekking) to “Jeepzus”(he now owns a Jeep!) The tidings of the change in the fortunes of her husband reached the Wife and she began pleading to return.

Dearly Beloved Spouses, never forget that Marriage is a Covenant. Be committed to this Covenant. Men and women of honour don’t break Oaths and Covenants. Stand by your Man, dear Wife; no matter the heat(except of course, if your very life is threatened because he’s a heartless and murderous Wife-beater. If this is your case, pls chat me up on WhatsApp). Stand by your Wife, dear Husband. Marriage is not only to be enjoyed; it’s ALSO to be endured when circumstances call for courage and fortitude.

Tonight, you’re going to do two things.
First, you’re gonna hug each other very closely and slow dance with or without music; depending on your choice.
Keep this Dance going on for ten minutes at least. As you’re dancing, tell your spouse how much you love them.
Secondly, when you’re done with dancing, share with each other why you chose them out of the billions of people on earth to spend the rest of your life with them.

❤️💕🌴 MARRIAGE REVOLUTION CONTINUES!💕💞❤️💕💞🤎💕💞💚🌴 🌴💕🌴💋🌴💋🌴🌴💕🌴💋🌴