IN THE LAST PART OF our anchor scripture which are capitalized above, is the second reason God commands husbands to treat their Wives delicately and honourably. The reason is simple: this lady is a Daughter of the Most God and has the same status with you in Christ Jesus; and if you hold other Sisters in Christ(Deaconesses, Mummy G Os, Choir ladies, etc) in high esteem and regards, you shouldn’t hold her any less, just because you see her nakedness and know almost everything about her.
Sir, you’re known in
Church to be amiable, good natured, and a true gentleman. It’s not on record that you’ve at any time talked down to the wife of any of the Associate Pastors let alone the Senior Pastor’s Wife. You relate with all the women and ladies in your local assembly in purity and speak to them with self-restraint when provoked, because you believe that they are Believers. You never despise any of them nor put up attitudes that would make them perceive such from you. When any of them does something for you, you respond with profuse gratitude. Beloved, if you so respect and honour women in the body of Christ, remember that your Wife is also a Woman in the Body of Christ and deserves double portion of the honour, courtesy and respect that you lavish on others. If you’re not brutish and animalistic when with Church ladies but are sober and of impeccable conduct, it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to be the same way when you are with your wife at home.
Sir, there is a cost to mistreating your Wife as our anchor scripture tells us at it’s tail end and it’s that GOD WILL NOT ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS. In other words, God’s holy ears will be shut to all your supplications, entreaties, intercession and thanksgiving. This isn’t new with God because He has always hated and will forever hate the oppression of Wives. Hear what He said long ago to men who broke the hearts of their wives by their treacheries, causing them to shed tears upon His altar:
“And this have ye done again, covering the altar of the Lord with tears, with weeping, and with crying out, insomuch that he regardeth not the offering any more, or receiveth it with good will at your hand.
Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the Lord hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.”(Malachi 2:13-14) Because of their wickedness to their Wives, God rejected all their spiritual services. He hasn’t changed. When you’re treacherous to your wife and mistreat her, God will close His ears to ALL YOUR PRAYERS.
Love your wife, honour her, cherish her and ADORE HER. To adore a Woman is
to love her exceedingly. It’s to immensely cherish her in such a way that shows a lot of admiration, respect and satisfaction; and that she’s to you
the Ultimate LOVER in whom you’re well pleased.
Tonight, dear Husband, you’ll still celebrate your darling Wife. Use your mind to creatively come up with something you can do to make her happy!
❤️💕 MARRIAGE REVOLUTION ROARS ON! 💋🥂🥧💋🥂🥧🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴