MARRIAGE MAKES YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE LOVEBIRDS and your home a LOVE NEST. In this Love Nest, you’re at liberty to enjoy all the peculiar delights and pleasures that God has abundantly placed in your matrimony: for your comfort, happiness, entertainment, celebration, consolation, joy and fulfillment.
Nevertheless, it’s important that in the exercise of your marital freedom, you’re mindful of the fact that unlike in your Honeymoon days when the Love Nest had only two occupants(you and your spouse), it now has your children, house helps and probably an aged parent or Inlaw who’s forced by health challenges to live with you.
As the house plays host to so many people, you must, of course, not allow your love life to be buried. No. You must endeavour to keep it fully active and growing. Your lovemaking must still be constant and robust. However, you will need to exercise DISCRETION, a quality that our anchor scriptures for today both propagate.
What is Discretion?
Discretion is the quality of having discernment, good judgement, self-restraint, and a sense of modesty and moderation.
There’s no doubting the fact that Lovemaking as God intended it in marriage, involves expressing excitement and emotion, and sometimes that means noise. However, no matter how intense your ecstasy, it’s still in your power to know what you’re doing and to exercise DISCRETION, so that what’s a blessing to you does not hurt those around you, especially your children who are in their formative years; and who, morally speaking, should not directly or indirectly be aware of your intimate activities.
Yes, it’s true that the sounds of Spouses moaning during intimacy can have an incredibly positive effect on their lovemaking. This is because those sounds are
incredibly sexy to the ears and heighten the sensations during the act. But there’s need for the use of DISCRETION when you are at home, no matter how big your house.
Our first anchor scripture tells us that a beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like a gold ring on the nose of a pig that’s swimming in filthy, stenchy and muddy waters. She lacks understanding and discernment. I once heard such a woman moaning loudly after midnight.
I was guest just for a night in the house of young clergyman. After some time of personal prayer late in the night, I began hearing the moaning of a woman who was in the act of lovemaking. It was coming from the room behind my host’s. From lower decibels her excited voice rose higher and higher until it was so loud that everyone in the old bungalow could hear her in the silent and chilly night. Thank God I didn’t live in that house to experience a repeat of such a menace. No matter how pretty that lady was, she lacked discretion and such a conduct is debasing for her.
It’s undignifying for a housewife to be moaning so loud to the hearing of her children, house helps, neighbours and even her father-in-law who is on a visit!
Now, does it mean you must completely subdue your natural responses? No, No, No! But you certainly can control them and that’s the message of today’s devotional piece in a nutshell. Go ahead and express yourself but when at home with the children all around, do so in hushed whispers that only your spouse can hear. After all you don’t need to tell the entire neighborhood that you’re making love, right? The person that needs your “feedback” is your Spouse and expressing your excitement in hushed whispers is audible enough for them.
Tonight, review your Bedroom Life and practices. Could it be that you’ve been loud and noisy in your lovemaking? It’s not good for your children to be hearing your intimate sounds. Discuss on reducing them to affectionate whispers when making love at home.
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