I HAD SAT DOWN GLADLY TO ENJOY A HEARTY BREAKFAST but alas, I was in pain! My teeth had bitten my tongue… and for no reason known to me. At least, it hadn’t given me any. Ahh, the pain was so much, I instantly put my eating on “Flight Mode”!
By the time I felt a bit relieved and could continue eating, again my teeth and tongue had yet another “fight” and this time, my teeth bit my tongue even harder! My tongue began bleeding! “Ahh, what’s going on today?”, I cried within me! Ahh, this pain is unbearable! Exactly what is happening this morning? I’m I eating wrongly today? But this is how I’ve always eaten my meals. Ahh!”
I believe you’ve experienced it before: the “War” of the teeth and the tongue!
Just like the teeth and the tongue, spouses “bite” each other once in a while. The bite comes in form of minor misunderstandings that last ten minutes, thirty minutes or perhaps a little longer. It’s natural and happens because of our differences and respective human weaknesses. When the teeth bites the tongue, no matter how painful the bite, you don’t head to the Dentist to request the extraction of the “troublesome” tooth, do you? That would be a stupid thing to attempt. Similarly, minor clashes between you and your mate are never reasons to seek a divorce. Yet that’s what many have hurriedly and unadvisedly done. And today, they are in deep regrets.
In marriage, it’s normal to miss the mark, to make a mistake.
The tongue’s hitting the tongue instead of the food it targeted is simply “a missing the mark” experience. If the teeth could speak, it would say to the tongue, “Darling, I’m so sorry I hit you. I didn’t intend to bite you. I just missed biting the meat. I’m so sorry. Kindly forgive me! “. But we all know that the teeth can’t talk. But as a man or woman, you sure can apologize and should humbly and sincerely do so whenever you’ve unintentionally hurt your mate and caused them pain.
Our first anchor scripture tells us to be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving. These are virtues of righteousness. A lot of times we do the opposite even though we hold big positions in Church. We are unkind, hard-hearted and unforgiving; and as a result, differences that should be resolved before sunset drag on for days, weeks and sometimes months because we lack the fear of God despite our beauty or handsomeness. If you can’t be kind, tenderhearted and forgiving to your Mate but instead delight in being difficult, where do you think you are going? God’s Heaven? Well, I’m afraid!
Our second anchor scripture commands us to confess our faults to each other. When you are wrong, do you own up your error or do you try to prove that you’re right even though you know all too well that you’re wrong? This is the problem of many Christian Spouses. You can pray for hours, preach eloquent sermons yet when you’re wrong pride keeps you from accepting to confess your error to your Mate. Sir/Ma, how Will HEALING come???
Let’s stop playing Religiosity and Churchianity.
It’s time to put on Christ even in the home and in our marriages. It’s time to be a Disciple of Christ in your marriage bedroom. When you miss it stop trying to cover-up. Humble yourself, admit your fault, confess to your mate and PLAINLY ASK TO BE FORGIVEN. Stop playing tricks.
Sit down together and discuss your marriage. Be open to each other. Tell your Spouse that thing they’ve done that hurt you and for which they’ve not confessed and apologized.
And when your Spouse let’s you know what you’ve done that you need to apologize for, be humble and accept your fault; and confess that you were wrong and humbly ask for forgiveness. If you can, kneel down when apologizing. Oh, you said: How can you a man kneel down to apologize to your wife? Kneeling down in sincerity to apologize to your Wife takes nothing, yes, it takes NOTHING from you. Of course, it’s not something you’re gonna do every now and then. But tonight you can do it to show your sincerity and for divine healing of your marriage and emotions to take place!
❤️💕🌴 MARRIAGE REVOLUTION CONTINUES!💕💞❤️💞💚❤️💕💞💞💕🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴💕💕💕💕🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴