Enriching Matrimonies


‘I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.’
(Proverbs 7:16-18)

RECENTLY, I READ AN ARTICLE ON SEDUCTION . It’s written by a lady who considers herself an expert in that sinister art. Before seducing a man, she first studies the woman in his life and thereafter works on making herself A BETTER OPPOSITE of who she is. In other words, if the woman is not submissive, she’ll present herself as a submissive and humble lady. If the woman in the man’s life is a poor dresser, she’ll be the opposite. If the woman denies the man sexual intimacy, she comes offering him lavish banquets of Sex. And according to her, she doesn’t seduce men to keep them. No. She’s interested in breaking up marriages and relationships. Once she has succeeded, she soon abandons the man and goes after another!

For your information, this woman is just one among millions. This method is the unwritten modusoperandi of most strange women. They know that men love and are thrilled with audacious female lovers and so they present themselves to men in that form. Is it good for these women to break homes and marriages? No. But is their audacious and active response to men recommendable? Yes, very much so!

In our anchor scripture portion, we see a Madam, a married woman whose husband had travelled, GOING OUT TO MEET A YOUNG MAN! But what do we have in most marriages? Wives who never think it’s important that they walk up to their own husbands and initiate intimacy. It must always be the man. And even when he makes the move to initiate an encounter, many wives deliberately choose to be icy and cold in their response; behaving as if they didn’t know that there would be sexual intimacy in marriage before they accepted to marry.

Let’s look at the woman in our anchor passage again. She took her time to prepare her bedroom and her bed for a romantic encounter with the young man. And then she goes on to invites him to come for an “All Night Of Love”! She’s eager and hungry for the man and does not hide it. This is the attitude of most strange women. They know that most housewives are frozen and cold in their response to their husbands and so, when these Husbands make the mistake of walking into their embrace, they spoil them silly with audacious and sexy response that makes them prefer the Hot ladies outside to their Icy Wives at home. Meanwhile, “Icy Madam” is not actually icy and frozen. She’s pretending! She behaves icy and cold because according to Culture and Traditions, a married woman should not show interest in Sexual Intimacy. But God’s Word tells you that Romance and Sexual Intimacy are your rights in Marriage and your husband should minister these blessing to you and vice versa (1 Corinthians 7: 1-4). But when he wants to minister to you and you make him feel that you’re being bothered with what you don’t need, it’s not only unfortunate but dangerous.

Now, it’s true that most housewives are overworked due to
their domestic, business, parental and spiritual commitments.
Indeed, all those commitments are important but you need to be also committed to the man that married you and do your best to be the kind of Wife God wants you to be to him.
You may be 50, 60 or 75 years old but as far as he is concerned, you are his Girl, his Babe, his Sweetheart. He wants and needs you to be Hot and Sizzling all the time and you really, really you can be. Live up to his dreams. Buy yourself a pair of new nightgowns and some sexy panties to wear for him during bedtime!

And Husbands: just as you need your Wife to be a vivacious and lively Lover Girl, so does she need you to be a responsible, committed and faithful Lover to her. Be sensitive to her needs. Mind how you talk to her. Even if at the work place you are the Big Boss and Commander In Chief, don’t bring that “power attitude” to her at home . You’re her husband and she’s your Wife and not one of your staff in the office. Love her. Be tender and affectionate to her.
Finally, be sacrificial and willing to go to any length to make her happy and fulfilled.

Tonight, two of you sit down together and read this devotional piece again. Discuss the messages in it. Share your understanding of the teaching.
Next is action time:
Pray together using the HARP method. HARP means HUG AND REALLY PRAY.
After the time of prayer, Wife should take the golden step of taking her husband’s hand and telling him: COME MY LOVE, LET’S MAKE LOVE TO OUR FILL TONIGHT!
