Enriching Matrimonies


‘That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.’
(Titus 2:4-5)

YESTERDAY, WE LOOKED AT THE FIRST TWO beautifying qualities that are in our anchor scripture passage above. Today, we shall be looking at three more.

3. LOVE YOUR CHILDREN . As a wife, it’s your natural responsibility to love your children. Thankfully, this is something you are endowed with so much instinct to do. Loving your child covers everything from giving them parental care, secular and moral education, spiritual training to exercising parental authority and discipline. As you faithfully and diligently carry out your tasks in this area, the day will come when the fruits of your labour will decorate you with the garlands of honour. Then your children and your husband will all hail you for a job well done: “HER CHILDREN ARISE UP, AND CALL HER BLESSED; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.”(Proverbs 31:28-29)

2. BE A DISCREET WOMAN. To be discreet is to be careful and prudent in one’s speech and actions. A prudent person is a good manager of information and confidential matters. She’s circumspect, cautious, tactful, close-mouthed and diplomatic. Do you need to be told that most women are deficient in this area? Many believe that the woman was created to be talkative, unrestrained in utterances and careless with the tongue; but this is completely untrue. This false belief undergirds and strengthens the evil habit of gossiping to which many wives are miserable captives. The Bible has this to say about the illustrious Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31: “SHE OPENETH HER MOUTH WITH WISDOM; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.” (Proverbs 31:26). When a woman is beautiful but indiscreet, she’s most likely to be excluded from top spiritual or secular gatherings where very sensitive decisions are made. Being discreet is completely different from being a prayer warrior. It’s about having a high sense of discipline, discernment and self control. Can you see that this quality alone outweighs facial beauty? Hear what the Bible says about the beautiful woman who lacks discretion: “AS A JEWEL OF GOLD IN A SWINE’S SNOUT, SO IS A FAIR WOMAN WHICH IS WITHOUT DISCRETION.” (Proverbs 11:22). This verse says that a beautiful woman who is indiscreet is as lightly esteemed as a gold ring on the nose of a pig that’s swimming in a stenchy pool of filth. She’s of so little worth no right thinking and honourable person wants her. Dearly Beloved, pray and ask the Lord to give you His Grace to enable you become a discreet wife. Of course, husbands need this quality too. Joseph was a discreet young man and we all know how high he rose in life. Be discreet, Madam. It will distinguish you just like it did Joseph.
3. BE CHASTE . To be chaste is to be pure, clean, immaculate, untainted and unsullied morally. It has to do with purity in the area of Sex and therefore implies abstinence from unlawful sexual intercourse; that is, sex outside your marriage. But it goes deeper than that. This is because the chastity demanded of a wife goes well beyond abstinence from infidelity. Your chastity as a wife must be seen in your conduct, body language, speech and dressing. If you’re not sleeping around with other men but your dressing is sometimes indecent, semi-nude and seductive (all in the name of fashion) and making men to lust after you silently in their hearts, you’re not chaste. I know a housewife that men would touch, hold, hug and embrace for whole minutes and she would not object. That’s an unchaste conduct. Some women are faithful to their husbands but are unchaste in the way they sit down. At the end of a church conference, a born again Christian gentleman complained to me in the presence of his wife that she would wear a pair of Boxers without any pantie underneath and walk into their sitting room where people are gathered and sit down and open her legs. I had to be tactful in giving my counsel on the matter so as not to hurt the lady emotionally because she very probably didn’t know what she was doing. But the truth is: that is unchastity. So, as a wife, be pure, clean, immaculate, untainted and INNOCENT in the way you dress, in how you conduct yourself with the opposite sex and in the way you sit down. You must also avoid all forms of lewd and lascivious talks. And don’t be that careless woman who moves about in her compound still wearing her transparent night gown at 8:00 AM and with no bra or panties under. It’s crazy! You’ve forgotten that your sons, daughters and domestic servants have eyes and are seeing you. Don’t show to young children in the morning the beautiful movie you showed your husband in the night! That’s carelessness and no husband will be happy with that. I once saw a Sister in Christ like that and it took me the grace of God to walk up to her and tell her to go back into her home and change into a day time dress. And how about mothers who go into the bathroom to bathe with their seven years old son(alias Junior)and making the poor boy see what he shouldn’t and which may never be erased from his mind the rest of his life? That’s not love but UNCHASTITY! Please, be a chaste wife indeed. Let your body be COMPLETELY and EXCLUSIVELY RESERVED for your husband alone.

Tonight, bring out your Hymn Books. Sit down very close to each other and sing the following songs together:
3. After singing these songs, kneel down and pray together.
4. After the prayer do whatever you both feel led by the Holy Spirit to do.
5. If you don’t know any of the recommended songs or if you don’t have a Hymn book, you can sing any two praise and worship songs you know. It’s okay.