TODAY WE ARE STUDYING THE LAST THREE “wife-beautifying qualities” encapsulated in the scripture passage from which we’ve been learning for the past two days.
6. “KEEPERS AT HOME .” One of the qualities that adorn a Wife with godly beauty is KEEPING AT HOME. It simply means staying at home and giving attention to the oversight and management of domestic and family affairs. Some women wouldn’t like to hear of this. “Oh, are you now saying that a housewife should not go out but stay at home year in, year out because she married a man? Oh, she should be a prisoner at home while “His Excellency” the majestic husband is free to move from one end of the city to another! Never, I can never bow to such enslavement. There must be equal rights!” Any woman that says such displays her ignorance and lack of spiritual understanding. The woman was created in the first place FOR MARRIAGE(Genesis 2:18). Therefore KEEPING AT HOME or staying at home and managing the family is the first work of a Wife. Yes, she can be a lawyer, an engineer, a business owner etc., but God makes a demand on her to return home after work and stay at home and manage family affairs.(Of course, the husband also needs to return home after work).The home is the fundamental place of the Wife. When a wife is differently inclined, preferring to be more outside her home than at home, not only is something wrong but that tendency is itself is a pointer to who she has become.(Don’t misunderstand this teaching. It’s not against a wife being stationed away from her home because of the nature of her job). Now, let’s take a look at a housewife whose feet abode not in her house: “11 (She is loud and stubborn; HER FEET ABIDE NOT IN HER HOUSE: 12 NOW IS SHE WITHOUT, NOW IN THE STREETS, and lieth in wait at every corner.)(Proverbs 7:11-12). As you read further down in Proverbs chapter 7, you’ll find out that this woman is an unfaithful housewife and AN ADULTERESS! In her case, her husband’s business travels was an opportunity for to move about and connect with other men for extramarital affairs. Of course, a Christian woman must go to the weekly activities in church and visit friends when necessary. But when a wife can’t be found at home because she’s moving from one place to another for no cogent reasons that her husband knows, understands or approved, then something is fishy. It’s indecorous for a housewife to be known as a Waka-Waka Woman or Waka-Waka Baby!!
7. GOOD. What a glorious reputation when you’re known as a housewife who is GOOD! What an honour to be known as a good woman by your in-laws, neighbours, associates, as well as the people with whom you worship in the local church! One of the qualities of the Proverbs 31 virtuous woman is that she made it her purpose to do her husband good ONLY and never evil all the days of her life and she lived up to it: “SHE WILL DO HIM GOOD AND NOT EVIL ALL THE DAYS OF HER LIFE.”(Proverbs 31:12) The rest of Proverbs chapter 31 give ample proof that she indeed did her husband so much good. She was an economic asset to him because she made investments that brought wealth into her home. There’s no record that she at any time despised her husband because of the blessings that poured into her family through her. Instead, she was happy and grateful that God was using her to enlarge the coast of her family. You can determine to be like her. Yes, you can choose to from this day do your husband good and never evil all the rest of your life.
8. BE OBEDIENT TO YOUR HUSBAND. Sarah who is the spiritual mother of all Christian wives was a strikingly beautiful woman who despite her beauty was sober and knew that in marriage Spouses though Lovebirds are nonetheless not equal. Her understanding that the husband is the “HIGHER POWER” (Romans 13:1) in the home, made her choose to not only address Abraham as MY LORD but to be completely loyal and obedient to him, sometimes at great risks to her very life: “EVEN AS SARAH OBEYED ABRAHAM, CALLING HIM LORD: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.”(1 Peter 3:6). As a wife, let Sarah’s life inspire you. If being obedient to her husband didn’t bring her harm and losses but a glorious reputation, then know that it’s worth it to obey your husband.
It’s Friday.
Tonight, educate each other about your Bodies. Husband you’ll educate Madam first. Let her know the erogenous areas of your body and how you like them handled. After that, it will be Madam’s turn to lecture her husband.
Reason: this becomes necessary because many Spouses are “doing it wrongly.”
❤️💕🌴 MARRIAGE REVOLUTION CONTINUES!🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴💕❤️