NO ONE MARRIES WITH A DESIRE THAT their romance should turn sour the next year. Infact, during the honeymoon period you both earnestly wished and longed for the union to continue to be as sweet and merry as it was; and to grow even sweeter and richer! Unfortunately, such wishes don’t necessarily translate into a reality. Not because of the devil’s works but basically due to ignorance.
When you get married, it’s your duty to daily do what good Cooks do in the kitchen every morning.
When a Cook has made a good and tasty soup that everyone in the family enjoys, she’s happy. She however knows that if she doesn’t heat that soup at the right time the next morning, natural souring agents would go to work and the soup’s rich taste will be altered. Another possible step she could take to retain the taste of the soup is to keep it in a functional deep freezer. In other words, it’s not enough to cook a good soup, you must take timely steps to ensure that it does not go sour otherwise you’ll lose it’s rich taste. The same thing obtains in Marriage.
Once you have become husband and wife, you must take steps to maintain your relationship or else your hearts will gradually become hardened. Marriage is first a relationship of the hearts and minds. When your hearts and minds are soft and warm towards each other, you cannot do but be kind and compassionate towards one another. But when your hearts and minds are distant and cold towards one another, sourness takes over. You become hardened towards each other. Once you’ve descended into this state of calloused hearts, committing adultery no longer bothers you because your heart is stony and cold. It’s this state of hardness of heart that Moses saw and permitted the men of the Old Testament era to divorce their wives; because at that stage they could subtly kill the woman or harm her in some other grave way.
1. The first step is to keep your love for each other HOT everyday. One basic way to do this is by companionship. Marriage was instituted to stop lonely living. So, why stay apart continually when you’re right at home and under the same roof? Create time to be together and to interact. You may feel there’s nothing to do together. Well, just come together first. As you’re together, what you’ll do together will come.
2. Remember that Marriage is a One Flesh life. So your Flesh must come into contact several times in the course of the day. Most couples make the costly mistake of thinking that Sex is the only way they can demonstrate their oneness as One Flesh. No. You fulfill your union in diverse ways including: touching one another, by brief kisses, hugging, embracing, fondling, bathing together, etc. Most of these are activities you could carry out without undressing. No day should be empty of romantic interactions in these forms. When you do this continually, your marriage becomes an ever exciting love affair. It stays alive, vibrant and thrilling.
3. Go out together from time to time. Staying within the four walls of the house from month to month could allow boredom and dullness walk into your marriage and they can be lethal. Put new sparks into your relationship by going outdoors. Could be a stroll together in the neighborhood. Or a weekend getaway in some guesthouse far away.
4. Read good books on Marriage once in a while. By all means make sure you read this Devotional (LOVEBIRDS) daily. Reading and getting new bits of information and insights on Marriage also helps you keep fit maritally and aids your heart in remaining soft towards your Mate.
5. Make it a part of your daily marital practice to think romantic, affectionate and sexy thoughts about your spouse. Go further to write a Poem, a Song a short essay about them once in a while. Such activities tune your heart to be in love with your spouse because as a man thinks so he is.
6. There are other things to add but time will not permit us.
On the whole, ensure that you’re emotionally, spiritually and physically in tune with your mate all the time. Refuse to stay out of tune with them. As you both do this consistently, you’ll be transformed into Lovers and Lovebirds who are always enthusiastically in love with each other.
Just before going to bed tonight, give each other a tender-loving body massage using a good and fragrant oil.