YESTERDAY, WE SAW HOW A COUPLE at Shunem joined hands and in oneness and agreement, used their resources to build a house for the Servant of God, Prophet Elisha. It wasn’t a congregational thing. No pledges were made or redeemed. A couple saw a need and took it upon themselves to meet it and God was glorified. You can also team up with your spouse to fill up needs in the Body of Christ and in the work of His Kingdom .
Today, we are looking at another couple, Priscilla and Aquila.
According to our anchor scripture, a spiritual giant by name Appolos came to Ephesus for ministry. It was a successful outing because he was a man that was thoroughly tutored in the way of the Lord. Priscilla and her husband Aquila however noted a deficiency in the message of the Servant of God. The beautiful thing is that they didn’t laugh at him or tell him that his message wasn’t good. They, instead, called him aside and brought him up-to-date spiritually by teaching him about Christ Jesus, His atoning death on the Cross and His resurrection from the dead. Because of this “intervention” by a couple, Appolos was spiritually brushed up and went on to become a spiritual colossus of almost the same rank as Apostle Paul! All because a husband and his wife took time to teach him what he didn’t know.
There are many Preachers today whose ministerial lives are not as effective as they ought to be because of the absence of one thing or another, which you and your wife could put heads together and provide to the glory of God. How about changing the wardrobe of a Minister whose preaching is very sound but his appearance not very “presentable” because most of his dresses and shoes are gotten from Okrika or second hand clothing stalls? How about moving a minister and his family from the Ghetto to a more decent part of town? Will God not be delighted if you give out one of your five cars to that Servant of God who’s still trekking despite putting in so many years of gruelling labour in the vineyard of God? How about giving scholarships to A FEW Pastor Kids and removing that burden from the shoulders of their financially weary parents for some time? The list of what you could team up to do to advance the cause of the Lord is simply endless. Yes, you can make mighty impacts for God without making noise; and God will bless you both in time and in eternity.
The divine purpose for wealth and riches is that they be used to meet our personal needs, the needs of others and to advance the Kingdom of God on the earth. We must not be like the rich fool who had no thought for God or his fellow man when God blessed him with a great harvest. All he could think of was his small self. As a result, his life was cut short by God(Luke 12:16-21).
Wealth and riches are not just blessings. They are God’s property ENTRUSTED to the stewardship of the persons to whom they’re given and God expects good usage that includes sharing with the less privileged and GIVING GENEROUSLY into His work.
We’ll close with these sobering scripture verses given by the Holy Spirit through Apostle Paul:
“17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;
18 That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;
19 Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.”(1 Timothy 6:18-19)
Tonight, sit down together in the bedroom and discuss the matter of supporting the work of God beyond giving offerings and paying tithes.
Could you, as a couple, prayerfully consider some struggling ministries to support? Could you adopt a genuine Minister of God and put him on a good stipend for the next six months or one year?
May the work of God not suffer in the freezing cold of poverty while we live in cozy warmth and super luxury.