ONE OF THE SPIRITUAL CRIMES of the Pharisees and the spiritual elites of Christ’s day, was the dangerous practice of replacing God’s Word with the precepts of men. According to our anchor scripture, this practice wasn’t just an affront on the divine person of God, it made completely useless the worship offered by the adherents to God. It corrupted, corroded and eroded everything such worshipers brought before God. And this teaches us how costly deviation from clearly set forth divine principles and commands can be.
After teaching on the subject of ROMANCE IN MARRIAGE at a Marriage Seminar in a certain city, a woman who was in that meeting came to see me the next morning during the counseling session. With deep sorrow, she told me that if she had known the teaching on Romance that was taught the previous evening, her husband wouldn’t have married a second Wife. She admitted that she had made herself difficult for her husband to access sexually. Of course, there must been a personal “precept” that she created to aid her in deciding to be “expensive” to her man. Alas, it resulted in what she didn’t expect. Right before her very eyes another woman was married to “lessen her burden” since attending to the romantic needs of her one and only husband was too much work for her.
Dear Wives, when you create hurdles for your husband to jump before accessing you for intimacy because, according to you, it’s hard work, please remember that women like you sleep with ten men or more per night without complaining. Even though we call them Prostitutes, the point is, if they can sleep with ten different men nightly, what’s the hard task in sleeping with your husband twice or thrice a week?
Now, let’s look at God’s command on Sex in marriage. Three scripture verses say it all and that’s 1 Corinthians 7: 3-5.
“3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.”(1 Corinthians 7:3-5)
(A) Verse 3 commands both Spouses to RENDER to each other sexual ministry. The verse and the next two all imply that this ministry or service is an obligation and not a favour spouses do each other to be praised, rewarded, appreciated or thanked for at the end. So, sleeping with your husband is a marital duty. Don’t see it as “mercy” that you are showing him which makes you a Benefactor that he should be endlessly thankful to. No!
(B) Verse 4 declares unapologetically that in marriage Spouses own each other’s body. I don’t want to digress because the verse speaks for itself except if we have itching ears.
(C) Here in this verse a powerful command is dropped prohibiting sexual fraudulence in marriage. Don’t cook up reasons why can’t be available for sexual intimacy with your mate. The verse states only one reason why you can refuse your mate conjugal intimacy and it’s a mutually agreed decision to fast and pray. It goes on to state that when the fasting exercise is over, sexual intimacy should be promptly resumed to avoid moral scandals.
The mind of God is very clear in these three verses.
But when we bring our own “precepts” such as emotions, feelings, moods; having to be appreciated and praised for all our contributions in the family before we could be in the right frame of mind to respond to our spouses need of us in the bedroom, we have simply chosen to disregard the fact that ministering sexual intimacy to our God-given Mate is a responsibility and an obligation.
Now, no housewife refuses to get into her kitchen to cook on any given day because of her low emotions, unsettled feelings and unhappy moods. Not even the lack of appreciation holds her back. Why? Because she believes and KNOWS that it’s her responsibility and basic obligation to her husband even though an ingrate he might be; and this doesn’t mean she can’t politely bring that factor to his notice at some other time. But she wouldn’t use that weakness on his part as a reason not to cook his meals. Truth is, we’re NOT in marriage to trade by batter: you give me this and then I will give you that. “You massage my emotions and I will attend to your Erections.” No, No No! Marriage is actually a life of Covenant Love.
Our example is Christ and His church. Their relationship is our grand model; and indeed the only example we have to follow.
Finally, there’s the need for us to remember that the commands on marital sex are unquestionable orders from HEAVEN ABOVE that we are required to obey and our obedience is not to our spouse but to God Who gave the commands.
Housewife, you can enjoy your husband in bed consistently. All you need do is see sexual intimacy from the biblical perspective, call it what God’s Word calls it and realize that it’s a privilege that will be over after some time; and therefore a gift you must make the most of while it lasts.
The English have a saying, “Make hays while the sun shines”. And I say, Make all the love you can with your man while yet it’s day because the night will surely come when the opportunity will no longer be there.
Reread this devotional piece with your spouse and share what you have learned.
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