DEAR HUSBAND/WIFE, MARRIAGE LAYS ON YOU, the responsibility of seeing to it that your mate doesn’t fall into sexual sins as a result of your sexual negligence or carelessness. When your spouse is forced into sexual immorality as a result of your hardness of heart and persistent disobedience to God’s Word on sexual life in marriage, God will most definitely hold you responsible.
When God commands us as Christians to render “to all their dues” and to “owe no man nothing”(Romans 13:7-8a) it applies to our sexual responsibilities to our spouses as well. You must not be indebted to your mate sexually. Sadly, some spouses have a huge backlog of sexual debt dating back to one year plus! I hope some indebted wife or husband who’s reading this gets touched to hasten to apologize to their mate and quickly pay their debt.
You can make a plan to clear up all your sexual debts soonest.
God’s will is that instead of sexual poverty and famine, there should sexual abundance in your union. And when that is the case, the first part of our anchor scripture will be the reality and experience of you and your partner: you’ll see the devil’s filthy honeycombs of adultery, pornography, paedophilia, fornication, etc, dangling on the streets, as they always are, and walk majestically past them nonplussed!
Sex is extremely important to the general wellbeing, strength and tone of your marriage. To believe otherwise is to prepare for a calamitous fall.
Some assume that it’s a mark of spirituality to give less attention to sexual intimacy in their marriage. To them, Sex borders on carnality and sensuality. I’ve heard a highly placed preacher express something akin to this misleading view. When his marriage tragically collapsed afterwards, I wondered if it was due to his belief that Sex should be de-empasized in marriage.
Sir/Ma, please listen to this: in the midst of the mighty revival the Corinthian Church was experiencing, there was still a subdued restlessness amongst the married couples in that Church; and it was about sexual intimacy in marriage. To get divine directions, they wrote to Apostle Paul(1 Corinthians 7:1). If their asking about Sexual Intimacy in marriage was unspiritual, carnal or worldly, St. Paul would have said so but didn’t. Instead, he saw their enquiry as right and answered their questions in 1 Corinthians chapter 7. That singular chapter has been a blessing to millions of marriages! Supposing those Corinthians had kept quiet and not asked their questions lest they would appear as carnal christian in the sight of Apostle Paul?
Sex is the staple diet of married couples. You must feed on it constantly. Sex is the Water of husbands and wives (Proverbs 5:15-19) you must drink it freely for your marriage to be strong and fresh and not become dehydrated and weak. Sex is the Wine of Spouses (Songs 1:2; Proverbs 5:19) drink it often for your mutual pleasure, delight and entertainment.
Sit down together and review your marriage. Is yours a sexually poverty-stricken union or a sexually-rich matrimony? If it’s on the poverty-stricken side, you can both choose to move to the rich side tonight.