Enriching Matrimonies


‘(1)The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.”(Proverbs 27:7) (2a) “in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes”(2 Corinthians 2:11 NIV) (2b) “so that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes.”(2 Corinthians 2: 11 NLT)’
(Proverbs 27: 7; 2 Corinthians 2: 11)

FOR DECADES, THERE HAS BEEN THE GLOBAL FIGHT against Hunger. I was only in form one when The Pioneers, a Jamaican Reggae music group, came out with the hit single titled STARVATION, a song aimed at fighting global Hunger. Many years later, a team of top American musicians led by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie came out with the Album, “WE ARE THE WORLD” to raise funds for the hunger-stricken peoples of Ethiopia.

However, there’s another form of Hunger that no government, private organizations or charity group is talking about. This Hunger is shrouded in secrecy and it is SEXUAL HUNGER!

Sexual Hunger is ravaging millions of matrimonies, resulting in sexual malnutrition, infidelities and weakened homes and families!

Who are those hit the most by sexual malnutrition? Wives, of course.

It’s no more a secret that most wives are not being satisfied by their husbands sexually for various reasons ranging from ignorance, selfishness, insensitivity, to over-spirituality. And in many cases, the husbands themselves are not even aware that their wives aren’t satisfied but starving.

We’ll focus for now on selfishness and insensitivity on the part of husbands. Many husbands go into bed for sexual intimacy only mindful of themselves and the good time THEY want to have. They are not thinking about their wife’s sexual hunger and the need to squarely satisfy her. This isn’t right.

Sir, please, always go into bed thinking FIRST of how to satisfy your wife. That mindset will strongly motivate you to focus on doing very meticulously, each of the things you need to do for her to reach Orgasm. Some of those things include taking time to Prepare Her Deeply (PHD) so she would be fully READY before you begin intromission or penetration. This preparation is what many refer to as LOVE PLAY. You’re not to commence penetration until you’ve prepared her deeply and she indicates that she’s well aroused and ready for intromission.

Secondly, focus on prolonging the intercourse to last as long as she desires. This is VERY IMPORTANT. Don’t be a “3 minutes man”, a “5 minutes man” or even a “10 minutes man”. Your wife needs a longer duration of intercourse to move from THE PLAIN LANDS OF AROUSALS to the MOUNTAIN PEAKS OF MULTIPLE ORGASMS. It’s your job to carry on for very long until she’s experienced orgasms, and you stay with her until she’s “back” to the bedroom. This is not Astral Travel but Orgasm Travel and your sexual intimacy isn’t what it should be unless it’s an Orgasm Travel that transports both of you(not just you alone) to “Beulah Planets” and back.

It’s also important to add that in some marriages, one of the spouses isn’t able to meet their sexual responsibilities as a result of health challenges. In such situations, the healthy mate must understand that this case isn’t sexual malnutrition because it’s not the deliberate doing of the sick spouse. The healthy mate should walk in love and compassion and be supportive to their challenged partner, until their health is fully restored. The healthy spouse must not go outside the home to seek sexual satisfaction. That will be treachery and betrayal. Many who did that quickly caught HIV/AIDS and are long dead. BE LOYAL TO YOUR MATE!!!

Tonight, go on an Orgasm Travel to “Beulah Planets”. Enjoy lavish orgasms and come back together!

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