Enriching Matrimonies


‘In Jerusalem Solomon made silver as common as stones and cedar trees as common as the fig trees on the western hills. (NCV)’
(1 Kings 10: 27)

WHEN YOU KNOW WHO GOD IS, you will understand that He has an ABUNDANCE MINDSET.

His Son Jesus Christ also has the ABUNDANCE MINDSET. When He came to planet Earth, His mission wasn’t to give us a LIFE that’s barely enough but one that’s ABUNDANT:

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I AM COME THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE LIFE, AND THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY.ā€(John 10:10)

Even in the work of creation, God’s ABUNDANCE MINDSET was clearly evident:

“And God said, LET THE WATERS BRING FORTH ABUNDANTLY the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, WHICH THE WATERS BROUGHT FORTH ABUNDANTLY, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” (Genesis 1:21-22)

When the Scripture commands us to have the mind of Christ, it’s not only in spiritual things. It’s in all things including your bedroom life as married couples.

And in our anchor scripture, we are told that King Solomon MADE Silver as common as stones in Jerusalem. He also MADE Cedar wood as common as fig trees! Do you really know what all these mean? You may not.

Silver is next to Gold among precious metals and it’s as rare as Gold. Yet, Solomon made it as common in Jerusalem as ordinary stones on the streets that people casually tread on! It simply means that he made everyone in his capital City exceedingly rich in Silver. It didn’t happen by accident. Solomon set his mind on doing it and backed that intention with action and made it a glorious reality!

Till this day, Cedar wood is uncommon on earth. It’s not like other woods you can easily find and buy at your local timber shed for roofing, fencing, etc. It’s an ornamental wood that’s used in the construction of great Cathedrals, Ships as well as in making beautiful musical instruments such as Guitars, Pipe Organs, etc. But Solomon made this rare wood as common as fig trees in Jerusalem! He had the abundance mindset.

So, Abundance and Prosperity don’t just happen. They are made to happen. What it takes to make Sexual Intimacy ABUNDANT in your marriage is the Abundance Mindset. Your Bodies are always available with you and you’re free to either make Sexual Intimacy abundantly available for each other or to make it scarce to one another.

When God chose to call Sexual Intimacy in marriage WATER, it implies that it should be an activity that’s common in your union just as water is common in the home and always within the easy reach of every family member.

God’s will for your bedroom life as a couple is sexual abundance. He wants to see an unending cycle of sexual intimacy in your union that’s only broken when you and your mate agree on stopping it for a while because you want to fellowship with Him in fasting and prayer(1 Corinthians 7:5). And even at that, He wants you to resume sexual intimacy as soon as your fasting & prayer is over because there’s an adversary who’s on your trail seeking for how to make you or your spouse fall into some sexual scandal.

Temporary or prolonged sexual poverty has been responsible for very many sexual scandals. It’s your duty to avoid falling into sexual sin and God’s basic recommended method for this avoidance is to minister sexual intimacy to each other:

“Nevertheless, to avoid fornication pet every man have his own wife and every woman her own husband.”(1 Corinthians 7:2).

Many of the spouses who are using denial of sexual intimacy as a tool for bargain or punishment to their mate probably have no idea of the costs of what they are doing. It should interest such Spouses to know that their sexual bodies have been given them as Talent. They are to “trade with it” in their marriage and make profits for God. You make profits when your mate is sexually sustained by your consistent ministrations of sexual services to them.

As a married woman or man, you are a Steward of God’s gift of Sexual Intimacy assigned to your spouse and God expects nothing short of full faithfulness from you:

“Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”(1 Corinthians 4:2)

Finally, always remember that your Sexual Body is a gift you received from God and it isn’t yours.

“and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?”(1 Corinthians 4:7b)
So, stop bragging to your spouse as if it’s yours. You received it to hold in trust and to use it for ministering to your partner. Do just that and stop counting how many times you’ve given it to your spouse and how he/she never appreciates. God didn’t give it to you for receiving appreciations and gratitude from your Mate. It’s given for serving them. And as you do, God Himself will reward you at the right time and in His own unique way.

It’s been a while since you used the HARP method to pray. Could you use it tonight? Please, do.

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