Enriching Matrimonies


‘For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.’
(Ephesians 5: 23)

DEAR HUSBAND, GOD’S WILL IS THAT YOU BECOME a husband that your wife tremendously enjoys and is happily proud of.

According to our anchor scripture, God has made you the Head of your wife in your marriage union. However, it’s important that you understand the kind of Headship you’ve been called to practice in marriage.

According to our anchor verse, your Headship is after the Order of the Headship of Christ over the Church.

In Christ’s Headship of the Church, He is not tyrannical, bossy, dictatorial, domineering nor subjugative. He doesn’t operate in any these kinds of despotic leadership. I remember a dear Sister testifying many years ago of how she used to fear her husband at a certain stage in their marriage; before she became born again. In those days, each time she heard the sound of her husband’s car arriving home, petrifying fear would tear through her heart. She would suddenly become very nervous. Not because she had done anything wrong but because of his high-handedness and beatings. Instead of being happy that he was returning home, she would be full of anxiety and foreboding over what he would complain of next; as that was his manner. Theirs was a Master-Servant Marriage. But this is not God’s plan for any couple. Any Marriage where the Wife is terrified of her husband is a complete caricature of the kind of marriage that God instituted long ago in Eden and which the loving relationship of Christ and the Church clearly models.

As we’ve already seen, Christ is not a draconian Head or Leader to the Church. Instead, His is a loving and humble Headship in which He relates with the Church not as Servant but as Friend.

Furthermore, He relates with the Church as His Joint-Heir having exalted her to that position. He is a Lover to the Church. He is her Intercessor, Advocate, Shepherd and Redeemer.

As a husband, you are to emulate Christ in all his roles set forth above.

Finally, our anchor verse doesn’t only present Christ as the Head of the Church, it also presents Him as her SAVIOUR. So, apart from playing the role of being a loving Head to the Church, He also labours to save the Church each time she needs to be rescued. Every true Believer experiences this “Saviour” ministry of Christ as He intervenes to deliver us time and again when we cry out His name or make short and hasty “SOS” prayers heavenward in His name when faced with sudden danger. So also should you as a husband be readily available to intervene when your wife cries out for help. At such a time, don’t blame her just yet. Rescue her from the trouble first. Make her wellbeing, fulfilment and happiness your focus everyday. That way you’ll be an enjoyable husband to her. Christ is continually enjoyable to the Church and so should you be to your dear Wife.

Tonight assignment is simple. You’re to re-enact your first Honeymoon night.
To enjoy a thrillingly exhilarating marriage, you need to be imaginative.
So just imagine that tonight is your first Honeymoon night. Make love as if you’re giving yourselves to each other for the first time.

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