AS PART OF MY PREPARATIONS for the recording of my debut album in 1985, I engaged the services of a Lagosbased high ranking, international class Singer to come on the production as it’s solo Backup Vocalist.
On my first visit to her, she mentioned a Song I’d heard on radio but didn’t know the title. By the time she sang it, there was barely any difference between her’s and the voice of the real Singer in far away America. The Song is titled KILLING ME SOFTLY. Even though I didn’t deem it necessary to ask her for the lyrics of the Song or the interpretation of it’s message, the bare title caught my attention; because I found it quite striking and intriguing and yet very true. Yes, you could kill anything SOFTLY and it will ultimately die like the ones killed cruelly and instantly. Killing is killing, irrespective of the method.
Many Spouses are killing their union SOFTLY without knowing it or even intending such.
Whatever you do to each other in marriage either adds to the life of your union or reduces it.
When you withhold the nourishments of Love from your mate from time to time, your good reasons notwithstanding, you are killing your marriage softly, gently and yet steadily.
When you reject your mate again and again and clubber them with criticism and disapproval, you’re killing your marriage softly. You really do not have to be loud or even harsh. Your unkind attitude and selfish deeds will nonetheless take their toll, eroding romance, passion and affection from your relationship.
There are marriages in which one of the Spouses has become emotionally worn out because of continual rejection. Their gifts are rejected, their love is spurned and there is no explanation coming from their proud and cocky mate who is gradually becoming an inaccessible castle.
Dear Reader, if you’re in the habit of rejecting your mate or their friendship without explanations you need to REPENT. If you’re remotely using frustrations to make your partner tired of the marriage and ask for a divorce, so you could marry a new Spouse, be warned! GOD ALMIGHTY is watching and He judges marital transgressors. Hear ye the Word of the Lord:
“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: BUT WHOREMONGERS AND ADULTERERS GOD WILL JUDGE.”(Hebrews 13:4).
Perhaps, you’re neither committing adultery nor going after whores, but Sin is Sin. If you think that God’s judgement on marital transgressors is only reserved for the hereafter, you’re mistaken. He judges them here in this present life. He judged Err and Onan here on earth for their matrimonial Sins as recorded in our anchor scripture passage. The Bible tells us that God killed them.
Those who are killing their Spouses SOFTLY should know that God can step in to kill them SWIFTLY to deliver their oppressed mate from the Cage of Sorrow that their marriage has become.
Happy New Month!
Tonight, set the tone for the new month and the second half of the year by being gracious to each other. Tonight, strengthen your union in ways you think best.