Enriching Matrimonies


‘The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.’
(Psalm 92:12)

IN OUR ANCHOR SCRIPTURE, the Righteous is compared to two illustrious trees: the Date Palm tree(Phoenix Dacty-Lifera) and the Cedar tree. We’re, however, looking at the Cedar tree this morning.

God says that the Righteous shall GROW like the Cedar in Lebanon. The Cedar tree has a very peculiar mode of growth. For every 10 feet of growth upwards, the Cedar’s roots grow 30 feet into the earth. The Cedar’s roots are equipped with a substance that enables them drill through rocks, stones and any hardened obstacle they meet in their relentless downward growth. The Cedar’s massive and widespread roots network therefore clutche the Earth so tightly that no storm, tornado or hurricane dare blow, push or pull it down. The Cedar lives for more than 3000 years, seeing and outliving hundreds of human generations! At it’s climax height of 120 feet above the ground it’s roots are 360 feet in the earth. It’s therefore deeply intimate with the Earth.

Just as the Cedar tree emphasizes Inner and Intimate Growth above Outward and Showy Growth, so do godly couples. Like the Cedar tree, they spend so much time growing their Intimacy and Companionship. They grow their roots into each other. They allow nothing stand between. They invest time, energy and material resources to build their romance, affection, knowledge, commitment and their bedroom life. To them, Sexual Intimacy isn’t just pleasure but a shield of defense and so much more. They are prepared against the day of adversity when the wind, the rain and the flood will come, as they surely will. And when they do, their marriage will stand elegant, tall and unmovable like the house built on the Rock(Matthew 7:24-25).

Unfortunately, most couple’s marriages have no deep roots because their emphasis are on superficial things.

In Psalm 1, the Righteous is again compared to the evergreen tree that’s planted beside Rivers and yields it’s fruits in it’s season. That Psalm, however, discloses that the ungodly are different. They are like rootless and weightless Chaff that are driven by the wind:

“The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.” (Psalm 1: 4)
The ungodly are weightless Chaff that’s why diverse winds of temptations easily carry them into Adultery which they now merely call “Cheating” to ease their consciences.

Just imagine a 45 years old, respectable and responsible looking housewife inviting an “Aboki” Truck Pusher into her home and sleeping with him all because she “feels” the Wind of Lust in the moment and can’t wait until her husband returns. She lacks the Roots to stand her ground and say: “Satan, I resist you! I refuse to do your evil bidding and disgrace my God, my husband and my children.” They’re carried away by the whirlwind of evil concupiscence because they have no Roots. But by the time they’re done with the Sin of “cheating” they are full of regrets and self-blame. And when they’re told at the medical laboratory that they’re HIV Positive they shed tears because know they’ve already infected their innocent husband.

If you’re CHAFF, I’ve got good news for you: you can still become a Cedar. All you need do is to sincerely repent of your Sins and receive Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal Lord and Saviour(John 1:12) and He will transform you into a Child of God and you’ll become Righteous. Righteousness makes a man/ woman a Cedar.

Go on your knees and repent of all your Sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart now.
Once you do so, kindly contact me on WhatsApp using this phone number: +234 8034675321

Reread today’s devotional piece and discuss it.

β€οΈπŸ’•πŸ₯•πŸ₯•πŸ₯• MARRIAGE REVOLUTION CONTINUES BEAUTIFULLY!πŸ₯•πŸ’•πŸ₯•πŸ’•πŸ₯•πŸ’•πŸŒ½β€οΈπŸŒ½πŸ₯•πŸ’•πŸ₯•πŸ’•