Enriching Matrimonies


‘hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.’
(Revelation 3:11b)

ON MY WAY TO A PREACHING ENGAGEMENT, I stopped over at a shop to buy a Pen. On the ground in that shop was a mother Cat and it’s four 2-weeks old kittens. On my return from the Church where I’d preached, I bought one of the lovely young kittens.

Living with the toothless young Cat was fun as it turned out to be very lively, friendly and playful.

But because it defecated in the sitting room a few times, which I found really disgusting, I decided to keep it outdoors. Then suddenly, I didn’t see my Cat anymore. I called it’s name but it wasn’t forthcoming. I searched for it but my search yielded no results. Then the pain of the loss hit me. I began blaming myself for keeping it outdoor. After all, it was because I wasn’t opening the door for it on time to go outside that it was forced to defecate inside the house. Otherwise, Cat’s are by nature clean animals.

My pain over the loss drove me to pray earnestly that God restore my young pet to me. I called some of my children on phone and seriously requested their prayers.

God answered our prayers and miraculously brought my cat back home after two weeks.

The return of my Cat hasn’t only taught me once again that God answers prayers, it has also taught me that when you are blessed with anything, it’s your responsibility to take care of it, maintain it and as much as necessary endure whatever inconveniences come with living with it.

A husband is a blessing. Never make the mistake of thinking otherwise. Since he’s a blessing, it’s your duty to hold him firmly so you don’t lose him. Yes, it’s true that he has many faults. Yes, he sometimes does things that irritate you, even embarrass you. But he’ll change overtime, if only you’ll be patient. You are in his life to be the Agent of that change.

If you have a Wife, hold her with both hands no matter her inadequacies and imperfections. There’s an important truth you need to know and it’s this: there’s no other woman anywhere that’s better than your wife. The faults you’re seeing in her at the moment are most likely magnified and exaggerated by your angry and critical mind. Beware of the voice that’s telling you so many negative things about her: “She’s lazy… she’s dirty… she doesn’t even know how to cook… she’s rural and unsociable… she’s unspiritual……” That’s the voice of the Stranger, who’s more properly known as Satan, the devil. He’s the Accuser. He’ll accuse your spouse to you of many things until they’ll look cheap and worthless in your sight, if you keep listening to him.

Remember how Eve listened to him, ate the forbidden fruit and gave to her husband and they both lost the Garden of Eden and everything in it forever!

Hold fast your husband/wife as  our anchor scripture commands. Don’t let the present tempest that’s blasting at your union make you feel that the end of your marriage has come. No, the end hasn’t come! You have many more glorious years ahead of you. Be strong. Be tough. Hang on together. Don’t let go of each other’s hand.

Your spouse is by far dearer than my cat. If I went asorrowing because I carelessly lost my dear kitten, how much more hard-hitting is the loss of a promising marriage just because you’re irritated over a few insignificant things that God can easily change?

Don’t give the devil the opportunity to destroy your lovely marriage and home. Stand firm with each other and the Victory is yours.

Tonight, pray and give thanks to God for how far He has brought you in your marital journey.