Enriching Matrimonies


‘(1) HIM THAT IS WEAK IN THE FAITH receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. For one believeth that he may eat all things: ANOTHER, WHO IS WEAK, eateth herbs. (2) I KNOW, AND AM PERSUADED BY THE LORD JESUS, THAT THERE IS NOTHING UNCLEAN OF ITSELF: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean. (3) Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.’
(Romans 14:1-2; Romans 14:14; Romans 14: 3)

OUR FIRST ANCHOR SCRIPTURE PRESENTS two truly Born Again Believers. Each of them is redeemed by the precious Blood of Christ and has the Blessed Holy Spirit indwelling them. However, there’s a difference between the two. While one is called “HIM THAT IS WEAK IN THE FAITH” the other isn’t labelled with that rather negative tag and so we can call him: “HE THAT IS STRONG IN FAITH”.

While the man that’s STRONG IN FAITH eats all foods freely and gladly, the other who is WEAK IN FAITH limits himself to a vegetarian diet. In other words, he doesn’t eat meat, eggs and fish in all his meals.

But the question is: has God forbidden eating of beef, eggs, mutton, fish, chicken, etc. No! After the flood of Noah, God gave Man cows and all other animals to eat and Man has been eating them ever since. So the man who is weak in Faith simply limits himself to less than God has made available to him. This man’s mindset is as a result of ignorance of God’s renewed and expanded dietry provision as encapsulated in Genesis 9 verse 3:

“Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.”(Genesis 9:3)

In the Marriage Bedroom, there are Spouses who are “Weak in Faith” because their knowledge of God’s Word on Marriage is highly limited. As a result, they constitute a great hindrance and stumbling block to harmonious sex life in their marriage. They are a pain to their mate who has more knowledge and understanding in that area and who is desirous to enjoy all and everything God has lavishly made available for their mutual satisfaction in the bedroom.

To compound issues, the weak Spouse has rules and regulations about what should obtain in the practice of sexual intimacy in their marriage. Some parts of the Body should not be touched, caressed let alone kissed.

Dear Reader, if you’re the Spouse who’s WEAK IN FAITH and objects to free practice of wholesome sexual intimacy in your marriage, you will do well to pay attention to our second anchor scripture. That’s Romans 14:14. It says:

“I KNOW, AND AM PERSUADED BY THE LORD JESUS, THAT THERE IS NOTHING UNCLEAN OF ITSELF: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.”(Romans 14:14)
The first part of this verse makes it clear that nothing that God has created is unclean! The second part says that the feeling that certain things are unclean is the figment of one’s mind and if you say that something is unclean, then to YOU it’s unclean, even though it’s not in reality! This means that, no part of yours or your spouse’s body is unclean! And since God hasn’t any where in Scripture written which parts of the Body should be kissed, caressed or touched but has left all that to our initiative, it means that Spouses are at liberty to enjoy each other’s body freely in their bedroom without qualms!

The truth therefore is that, just as God gave Man the liberty to freely enjoy meat, fish, eggs and vegetables so also has He given Spouses the liberty to enjoy all of each other’s Body in marriage. What His Word clearly prohibits is sexual promiscuity and immorality.

Nevertheless, I remember being asked by a lady in a crowded and serious Marriage Seminar why a husband should decline giving his wife Oral Sex when she wants it. My answer was that Spouses come from different backgrounds and have had different levels of exposure. If a husband comes from a more conservative background that makes him find such a request strange and unwelcome because he’s not been exposed to such or has never even heard or read about it, the wife should kindly bear with him and not insist on getting what she wants. There are many other interesting things on the “Intimacy Menu” that they can both enjoy together. In marriage, Spouses are not static. They are growing. What one Spouse doesn’t like today, they may grow to appreciate and highly cherish tomorrow. Spouses must bear with each other, be patient with one another as they grow together in their marriage and family life.

Our third anchor scripture commands those who are Strong in Faith not to despise those that are weak in Faith and vice versa. Similarly, the Spouse who’s highly knowledgeable in God’s Word on Marriage should not despise their Mate who’s for now less knowledgeable and “constitutes a hindrance” to a smooth and hitch free bedroom life. Love them and respect them. Secretly keep praying for them until they’re transformed by God’s life-transforming GRACE.

Tonight, your assignment is to read one of our recent Devotional messages titled: KILLING YOUR MARRIAGE SOFTLY.(July 1, 2024)

❤️💕 MARRIAGE REVOLUTION CONTINUES!🥝🍏🍍🥑🥝🍏🍍🥑🥝🍏🍍🥑🥝🍏🍍🥑🥝🍏🍍🥑🥝🍏🍍🥝🍏🍍🥑