YESTERDAY’S DEVOTIONAL PIECE began with the presentation of two Christians (Romans 14:1-2). One is weak in Faith and only eats herbs while the other is strong in Faith and eats every kind of food.
We saw that the weak Christian who eats only herbs limits himself as a result of his own ignorance of the renewed and expanded dietry provision of God for Man in Genesis 9 verse 3. We also saw that ignorance of the Word of God on Marriage is the problem of Spouses who are “weak” sexually and therefore constitute a hindrance to harmonious sexual intimacy in their marriage.
If you’re married and you’re sexually “weak”(disinterested, disinclined, etc), you needn’t remain that way. You can move from the position of weakness to that of strength. The Scripture says: “LET THE WEAK SAY, I AM STRONG”.(Joel 3:10b). Below are steps you can take to become sexually strong and perhaps even stronger than your partner who has had to patiently put up with the inconveniences from your “weakness” all along.
Our anchor scripture, commands us to come before God’s Throne of Grace to OBTAIN Mercy and to FIND Grace.
Dearly Beloved, there’s Grace for everything. There’s Grace for exceptionally keen interest in any aspect of life. When you receive this Grace, it fills you with extraordinary abilities in that area. At the Throne of Grace, request for the Grace to help you become sexually proficient. May sound funny, but it isn’t.
David was an extraordinary warrior. He was given the Grace to do marvels on the Battlefield.
Hear him:
“Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:”(Psalm 144:1)
Hear him again:
“He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.”(Psalm 18:34)
If God could teach David’s hands to MAKE WAR exceptionally, He can also teach your hands and your body how to MAKE LOVE; and to tenderly handle your spouse in the bedroom.
The Grace of God is a Teacher:
“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
TEACHING US”(Titus 2:11-12a).
The Grace of God can teach any academic subject, business, sport and any other skill including the secret skills of making love to your spouse with exceptional and uncommon expertise. You get this Grace by going before God to ask for it.
If you’re that husband whose wife isn’t keen on sexual fellowship with you most of the time, go before the Lord in your prayer closet and freely ask for the Grace to excell in the marriage bedroom and it will be freely given to you.
In as much as you’re already married you dare not trivialize Sex.
Whether you like it or not, you have the moral, spiritual and physical obligation to give your spouse fulfilling and satisfactory Sex on a regular basis. You’re therefore not permitted to make excuses. You need to be a knowledgeable and efficient sex Partner to your spouse. So, make out time to study the subject of marital sex and be well versed in it. Visit Christian bookstores in your city and buy good Christian books on Marriage and Sex. Read them voraciously and be well informed sexually. This is very important.
God calls matrimonial sex WATER (Proverbs 5:15-17).
Are you ever ashamed to drink Water? No! Are you ever afraid of drinking water? No!
Do you count how many times you drink Water per day? Of course not! We all drink water freely without thought of keeping count.
In the same way, see sexual intimacy with your spouse as something ordinary; something that you should freely give and receive from each other without keeping count or feeling that you’ve done your mate a great favour. Your marriage will be stronger for it.
Get your Hymnbooks out and sing COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS and SHOWERS OF BLESSING
(If you don’t have Hymnbooks, please buy some soon as you’ll be singing from them from time to time as part of your LOVEBIRDS’ DAILY DEVOTIONAL times)
❤️💕🥑 MARRIAGE REVOLUTION CONTINUES!🍏🍎🍍🥑🍏🍎🍍🥑🍏🍎🍍🥑🍏🍎🍍🥑🍏🍎🍍🥑🍏🍎🍍🍏🍎🍍🥑🍎