WHEN ISRAEL FINALLY CROSSED THE JORDAN and entered the Promised Land, Achan was one of those that partook of the historic event! Like everyone else, he looked forward to receiving a House that he never built, a Well that he never digged as well as Vineyards and Orchards that he never planted.
Sadly, there was something in his life that he hadn’t dealt with decisively and destroyed. It was COVETOUSNESS. This WEAKNESS lay hidden in him through the many years of the great trek to the Promised land.
When during the Battle of Jericho, he saw a beautiful Babylonian garment, 200 shekels of Silver and a wedge of Gold, the Covetousness in him suddenly woke up like a mighty giant.
In that instant, he forgot the promise of God that he would receive a free House, a free Well, free Vineyards and Orchards. Greed quickly blinded him to the new life himself, his wife and his children would soon begin to live in the new nation.
And he grabbed those accursed things as if he’d never seen a good robe and precious metals in his entire life!
Well, God had no choice but to expose him. And the price he was going to pay for his avarice was far higher than anything he expected. He was going to pay for his transgressions with his life and those of innocent children.
And do you know what? Achan never enjoyed those things he grabbed for even one moment. He only succeeded in storing them as evidence against himself.
Because of Achan’s greed and avarice, his marriage wasn’t just terminated, his family met an extremely painful death: execution by stoning at the hands of an angry and enraged nation!
Dear Husband and Wife, know this: Marriage multiplies the value of your life and you dare not do whatever comes to your mind because anything you do will affect many more people than when you were single. You must be sober at every point in time and know exactly what you are putting your hands into. You must consider how that thing will affect your Spouse and your children.
Any business venture or proposal that comes with the risk of a possible arrest or imprisonment, don’t try it.
Beware of Covetousness. If it brought Achan down with his entire family after their long and arduous journey from Egypt to Canaan land, don’t think it will spare you if you continue to give it an abode in your Life. Destroy it before it destroys you and your loved ones.
It’s Sunday night! How about reminiscing together about how you met and fell in love long ago? Reminisce!
(Just in case you don’t know what it means to BREAK MORE BEDS, scroll down and read LOVEBIRDS’ DAILY DEVOTIONAL for April 19, 2024 and April 20, 2024)