Enriching Matrimonies


‘And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; AND BE YE THANKFUL.’
(Colossians 3: 15)

AT NO TIME AFTER HIS CREATION DID ADAM complain about his continual solitude. From his human standpoint, all he saw and experienced was pleasure and grandeur, glory and majesty: life at it’s best. He was King and Keeper of Eden. It just couldn’t be better. But God being the munificent and extravagantly generous Father that He is wanted to make his good life even superlative and so He proposed to institute Marriage.

So, the entire idea of providing a Partner for Adam was completely, like the Creation itself, God’s initiative. Adam was only a merry beneficiary of God’s unequalled magnanimity. He therefore had no sense of entitlement. It was with sheer joy and utter gratitude that he received his Wife; as evident from his first speech:

“And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”(Genesis 2:23)

Adam saw his wife soley as A GIFT he received without any efforts on his part. He saw her as a precious PRESENT handed him from above by the hands of God. His heart was always full of peace and gratitude each time he looked at her or felt the warmth of her beautiful body on his.

Dearly Beloved, do you know that you are not in anyway better than Adam as far as your Life and Marriage are concerned? Do you know that nothing in you or around you entitles, qualifies or makes you in any way merit your Spouse? And that’s why the Scripture says:

“Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and OBTAINETH FAVOUR OF THE LORD.”(Proverbs 18:22). Another word for favour is GIFT. So your Spouse is an unmerited GIFT from the Hands of Him that’s seated on High, even the Lord.

“House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: AND A PRUDENT WIFE IS FROM THE LORD.”(Proverbs 19:14). Your Wife isn’t a product of your smartness, Sir. She’s A GIFT FROM THE LORD.

Even though it’s true that Grooms pay dowries on their Brides, and in some cultures this could be very expensive, yet there’s no amount you paid as dowry on your wife that can be compared to the worth of her person or the immense and unquantifiable blessings she brings into your life. So it all boils down to the fact that your Spouse is a FREE GIFT given you by GOD and He expects you to live with them in an attitude of gratitude and a growing sense of appreciation!

Husband, think of how you come back home to a ready, warm and sumptuous meal each time you return from work! Think of how it’s served in good, beautiful and dignified dishes. Think of the respectful manner it’s presented: either by your wife herself or her sister or the house help who now lives with you because of her. No restaurant compares with that!

Think of the troubles your wife goes to in her search and “hunt” for the food items and all the other things she cooks for the family.
Oh, I can hear you saying that you gave her N200,000 for food for the month. My guy, step into the market to shop and you’ll understand that it’s not all about bringing the money. Shopping for food is real work and involves calculation and diligence. Managing the food to last the entire month demands discipline and prudence or else….! So, appreciate the beautiful Dietitian, Purchasing Officer, Store Woman and Chief Chef that makes sure you and your children feed well EVERYDAY.

How about the keeping and management of the home? Bathing and dressing the children? Whose children?

Now, wives let’s talk.

Today you enjoy the handsome prefix “MRS”. Do you know that it’s not on sale anywhere? Do you have an idea of how precious it is? Do you know the weight of honour it adds to your real name and personality? Do you know how many demons of lustful men it drives back from you each time you’re called by your full name beginning with that prefix? I remember a housewife telling me how a certain man was so much after her. He kept vigorously “pursuing” her just as some stupid men do until she told him that she was MRS…..! And when he heard her husband’s name he froze. Infact, he almost fainted! Why? Because the husband of the woman knew him very well and they lived in the same neighbourhood long ago when they were all unmarried. Many years after they parted ways, her husband met and married her while the other fellow was still fooling around “hiss-calling” women. After the childish man recovered from the shock, he profusely apologized to the woman. He confessed that he didn’t know that she was the wife of Mr….He pleaded with her to forgive him. You can imagine how swollen headed with shame he must have been as he dragged himself away. That’s what happens to overgrown boys who choose to be he-goats.

Wife, consider the honour of being in a home OF YOUR OWN with YOUR OWN HUSBAND even though he may not yet be everything you desire that he should be. But the truth is you’re grandly blessed to be a Wife. Many are out there praying to be where you are.

This space is not enough to talk more about the immense blessing that husbands are to their wives.

Dear Spouses, just know that your Marriage and your Marriage Partner are glorious blessings from God Who only gives good and perfect gifts.

Beginning from today, live with each other in the attitude of gratitude and appreciation. Stop counting what’s still missing in the life of your Man/Woman that you’re longing to see. Be immensely thankful for who they are NOW.

Our anchor scripture says “AND BE YE THANKFUL.”
Be thankful to God again and again for giving you to each other.

Open your mouth often and express your appreciation to your Mate for agreeing to marry you. Verbally appreciate them for the loads of blessings they’ve brought into your life.

Living with a grateful heart in marriage is wisdom. Consistent gratitude moves your lives consistently to higher altitudes: the altitudes of HAPPINESS, PEACE, CONTENTMENT, BLISS, etc .

Celebrate each other. Once in a while, surprise your partner with a polite invitation to sit down with you. And when they do, go straight to the point: tell them in just two minutes how so proud you are of them!
Profusely appreciate them for being your Heartbeat and LOVER over the years!

It’s Saturday Night. It’s yet another
BMB Assignment continues tonight.
If you don’t know the meaning of BMBN, please read yesterday’s devotional piece.