Enriching Matrimonies


‘A man that hath friends must shew himself FRIENDLY: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.’
(PROVERBS 18:24)

Our anchor scripture shows us one of the basic things that sustain the relationship of two friends and it is FRIENDLINESS. True friends never forget the need to be FRIENDLY! Why? Because it’s fundamental and sacrosanct to their relationship.

According to the Dictionary, FRIENDLY means: to be kind and pleasant. It also means: to be amiable , congenial, warm, cordial, respectful and affectionate. It’s these qualities that sustain long-lasting friendships.

Of course, friends are not superhuman: they have their weaknesses; and these weaknesses get exhibited once in a while. The friends, however, control themselves and suppress their weaknesses for the sake of the value they place on their relationship.

If friends subdue or suppress their negative tendencies because of the respect they have for their relationship, Spouses most certainly could suppress their anger, tempers, resentments, and other ugly propensities in their personalities if they know the value of their relationship. Sadly, most don’t. Very many don’t know the worth of their marriage and their Mate until they happen to lose them. Somehow, there are cobwebs over their eyes that won’t let them see what they have in their spouse. Consequently, their attitude to their mate is that of spite and disregard.

Dear Spouses, it’s time to pause and review your attitude towards your Mate.
Are you friendly, congenial, pleasant and warm or always unfriendly, hostile, contentious, aggressive and arrogant?

Even when you feel that you are right to be stern and unfriendly because it’s actually your mate who provokes you, yet it’s wrong for you to be hostile continually.

Some even say, “I’ve studied this Spouse of mine and I’ve seen that he/she doesn’t deserve gentleness. What he/she understands is Iron Hand!” When you reason this way, you’re showing that you have no idea what relationship Marriage is. You just married because you were of age and you had the means.

Dearly Beloved hear this: By virtue of Marriage, you have transcended or gone
above all other forms of human relationship!
Marriage has made you COVENANT LOVERS. Yes, you’re not just Lovers but COVENANT LOVERS. This is because God Almighty Himself is involved in your relationship, is interested in it and is PRESENTLY a Stakeholder in it! He is the One Who joined you and your bond or union is a sacred one that He does not want broken by anything except DEATH. Hear what His Word, the Scripture, says:

“Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. WHAT THEREFORE GOD HATH JOINED TOGETHER, LET NOT MAN PUT ASUNDER.”(Matthew 19:6)

Here’s another Scripture:

“Yet ye say, β€œWhy?” Because the Lord hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously; YET SHE IS THY COMPANION AND THE WIFE OF THY COVENANT.”(Malachi 2:14)

So what you have in Marriage is extremely higher than friendship. It’s a Covenant Life that has made both of you ONE FLESH AND COVENANT LOVERS!

Our anchor scripture makes it clear that it’s sacrosanct for friends to be FRIENDLY. If friends are to be consistently friendly, amiable, congenial, pleasant, warm and cordial to each other because of their relationship and the value they place on each other’s presence in their respective lives, how much more should Spouses who are One Flesh and Covenant Lovers demonstrate deeper commitment because of the higher relationship they have?

Unfortunately, many Spouses regard their life partner LESS than their friends. A good example is the Gabonese man I heard of who not only foolishly brought his girlfriend to his house to pass the night with him while his gentle and good-natured
Wife was at home but also went on to order the wife to set water in the bathroom for the girlfriend to have her morning bathe! This fellow probably thought he was “dealing” with the wife for some perceived wrong she’d done him but he simply humiliated himself. That so-called girlfriend could use what he did to insult him publicly someday.

Beloved, Marriage has brought you and your Spouse into one of most glorious of relationships. You are now Covenant Lovers. It’s your duty to consciously walk in Love and Affection towards your life partner at all times.

It’s your privilege to be A ROMANTIC, SEXUAL AND AFFECTIONATE LOVER to them. It’s your responsibility to also show them NEIGHBOURLY LOVE as demonstrated by the Good Samaritan(Luke Chapter 10) because Marriage has made you the first neighbours to each other. You are to also demonstrate BROTHERLY LOVE towards them, particularly if you’re a born again Christian(Hebrews 13:1). If you love and respect other Believers in your local Church and conduct yourself with decorum when speaking or interacting with them, you should do the same with your Spouse at home.

Watch yourself. Watch your attitude towards your Mate. Watch your manner, disposition, and your feelings towards them. Do your best to be sweet, gentle, mild, and enjoyable to them.πŸ’‹


Let’s assume you’ve been informed that KISSES make people happy. How much of it would you give to your spouse tonight? Would you be generous with it or would you be miserly? Demonstrate.

β€οΈπŸ’•πŸ₯‘ MARRIAGE REVOLUTION CONTINUES!πŸ₯πŸ₯‘πŸ₯πŸ₯‘πŸ₯πŸ₯‘πŸ₯πŸ₯‘πŸ₯πŸ₯‘