YOU PROBABLY HAVE SEEN THEIR CAR PULL OUT OF THE RECEPTION PARTY GROUNDS SEVERAL TIMES. At the front and the back of the beautifully decorated Jeep are special identity tags
that read “JUST MARRIED”.
After some hours, however, that name wears off and the couple are no longer described as “JUST MARRIED”. The identity tag changes to “THE NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE”.
After one year or even less, they’re no more referred to as “Newly Married.” They are just “MARRIED COUPLE”, “MR & MRS” or merely “THAT MAN AND HIS WIFE”!
But do you know what? Ever before they entered the beautiful car, they already had divinely approved identities.
Their identity had already become firstly “ONE FLESH” because they were already joined by God(Genesis 2: 24).
Their second identity is: MARRIED LOVERS.
It’s important that you understand what the identity “ONE FLESH” connotes or means. It means a Man and a Woman who engage in Sexual Intimacy! Put another way, it means a Man and Woman who MAKE LOVE; who have sexual intercourse with each other! This is because it’s sexual intimacy that causes the union to be consummated and become a MARRIAGE. And what’s the name for those who make love? They are called LOVERS. Married Couples are not just Lovers, they are MARRIED LOVERS because they practice legitimate, authorized and approved Sex. They have both divine and parental approval for their sexual activities. This is completely unlike fornicators and adulterers who hide to do what they do because they know and everybody else knows that what they do is wrong, wicked and evil.
Before the world or the society, Married Couple’s identity may change from “Just Married” to “Newly Married” and then to “Mr and Mrs” and then to “That Man and his Wife” and even to “That Old Couple”; but in the sight of God their true identities remain constant. They are ONE FLESH AND MARRIED LOVERS.
These identities of Spouses are theirs for life! In other words, they are ONE FLESH and MARRIED LOVERS until death brings their union to an end. At no time are they to be referred to as Ex, Former, One-time, or Retired ONE FLESH AND MARRIED LOVERS. They are to be in active service as ONE FLESH AND MARRIED LOVERS until death parts them at God’s appointed time.
Dear Spouses, it’s important that you live out these identities. Age should not change it.
Understand that your practice of marriage should be effective and efficient at every stage of your lives together. Every component of your relationship should be fully functional. Your communication, companionship, mutual trust, unity, affection, romance, sexual ardour, sexual vigour, matrimonial enthusiasm, etc should never be on the decline but get ever better and stronger as the years go by. If you’re born again, the simple key to achieving this is to live your love lives by Faith:
“as it is written, The just shall live by faith.”(Romans 1:17b).
Draw inspiration, strength, vision and enthusiasm for every aspect of your Marriage from the Word of God. Power your Bodies and Minds with Truths, Insights, Revelations, Understanding and Knowledge from the Word of God to function optimally in your marriage.
With your Faith active and united as a couple, there’s nothing you can not do in your love lives.
Live out your identities as ONE FLESH AND MARRIED LOVERS by the power of your Faith.
It’s Sunday Night and the first night of the new week.
Set the romantic tone of your marriage for the week in the way you both think best.