TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN YOUR MARRIAGE, one of the things you must ensure that you have is a big and matured heart.
Of course, this doesn’t depend on how big, bulky or smallish you are physically. Neither does it depend on how long you’ve lived on earth so far.
When you have a big and matured heart, you will be like the Builder who knows ahead of time that some of his bricks will be broken and rendered useless in the course of the construction work: you will expect those you relate with to blunder, to make mistakes and to miss the mark once in a while. It’s only childish and unreasonable to not expect your Mate to err.
Many potentially good and promising marriages have ended up in the flames of divorce for the simple reason that the Spouses were both punitive, vengeful and puerile over the common mistake of each other. They were so narrow-minded they wouldn’t forgive each other’s wrongs. Such couples show that they are less than children; because even the little children easily forgive and forget wrongs done them and soon resume playing with each other again.
Our anchor scripture highlights the “immortal” words of one of the purest souls that ever walked the face of the Earth. That man is Joseph who was cruelly sold into slavery and suffering by his own elder brothers. Because of their wickedness, he suffered pains and the loss of his human dignity and identity for many years.
And as if slavery wasn’t bad enough he was thrown into prison where he suffered even more.
But when God exalted and placed him in the position of great power where he wielded immense authority, and had all the opportunity to pay his brothers back in their own coins, he didn’t. He instead saw a fuller picture of what had transpired: God allowed the evil deeds of his ten hard hearted brothers so that great good would come out of it!
As you live with your Spouse today, tomorrow and the years ahead, be always conscious and strongly mindful of the fact that your Mate will most certainly blunder or goof despite their education, exposure, spirituality and status. And when that happens it will be your honour to walk in magnanimity like Joseph and forgive. And not just that: you need to see the full picture of what has transpired and understand, like Joseph, that whatever happens between you and your Spouse will work out for your mutual good.
When your Mate errs, sins or hurt you, it’s not only important that you forgive them, it’s needful you do it quickly. Don’t drag your feet.
Recognize the fact that the Power to forgive isn’t something you learned, earned or bought. You were born with it. Therefore, never hoard it. Forgiveness is for giving, so GIVE IT OUT GENEROUSLY.
When you choose to hoard forgiveness, you’ll do so at costs to yourself. So always forgive the wrongs of your mate with the understanding that you also are not perfect but stand in need of God’s forgiveness and your Mate’s from time to time
Tonight, sit down together and check your relationship with the Stethoscope of Truth And Honesty. Are there “wrongs, hurts or ill-feelings” that are blocking the free flow of the power of LOVE in your union?
Use forgiveness to flush them out tonight. You who offended the other, own up wrong, apologize and ask forgiveness.