I DON’T KNOW WHEN, WHERE, AND HOW you and your Spouse met and fell in Love. I’ve no idea how long your courtship lasted. But I do know that an intensive Marriage and a superlative Love Life do not depend on when, where, and how you met. Neither does it even matter how long your courtship lasted. A breathtakingly romantic matrimony doesn’t depend on those factors.
Remember, Isaac and Rebecca never had a courtship, yet they were intensely in love with each other their entire married life. Why? Because THEY UNDERSTOOD the preciousness of the unequalled stuff called LOVE and together THEY CLUNG TO IT AND OPTIMIZED IT. And not just that. THEY KNEW AND ESTEEMED THE WORTH OF THE CHEMISTRY AND COMPATIBILITY THEY SHARED and did everything not to let go of it! (Genesis 26:8). Emulate them, if you don’t want your marriage to decline, get soured or be torn by divorce.
The challenge of Rebecca’s long standing barrenness couldn’t cause them to drift apart. Instead of seeing Rebecca’s barrenness as “her problem”, Isaac took it as their common challenge. Isaac and Rebecca were Love Devotees whom nothing could dissuade from vigorously practicing the Romantic Love Life! (Gen. 26:8)
Dear Spouses, where is that sweet and exhilarating Love that you and your Mate once shared ? Way back then, you could hardly stop touching each other. But how come those same hands with which your Spouse used to excite you, now irritate and anger you? It’s so bad that you now slap those hands when ever your Spouse touches you; as if those hands have become iron sponge to your skin? What happened? How come you now say that the two of you are too old to practice Romantic Love and that your Spouse should just forget about kissing, petting, necking, fondling, caressing, etc; since, according to you, those things are for Newlyweds? So, you and your Partner are now “Oldtimeweds”? Or “Marriage Antiquities”. Or “Marriage Museum Relics.” Please, mind what you THINK and SAY about your marriage!
Romantic Love is an essence of marriage you just can’t do without. According to our anchor scripture, IT’S THE FAIR AND PLEASANT DELIGHT!
Romantic Love and all it’s many components must never be absent from your union! Affection, Passion, Togetherness, etc, must be constant marital ideals that you and your Spouse do not only deeply believe in but effervescently practice.
Tonight, take each other’s hand and resolve to return to your First Love and to all those beautiful things you did and enjoyed together during your early days in marriage. They’re not only for Newlyweds, THEY’RE FOR YOU TODAY!