AFTER PUTTING IN MANY YEARS in the public service or the organized private sector, you’re appreciated for your services and sent home on retirement.
But in Marriage, there’s no retirement. As a matter of fact, there are no annual leaves or holidays! Why? Because your Marriage is a core part of your very life. Like your digestive or respiratory systems, it must keep working until your very last breath!
So, in Marriage you don’t retire from romance and sexual intimacy because of age, you “Refire”! Your union should get better with every new day. God has built into you the capacity to love each other much better, in the adult season of life than you did as a young couple.
God has so designed, wired and “engineered” you and your Mate such that the older you grow together, the more thrilling and the more intoxicating your romance and sex life would be, because: “BETTER IS THE END OF A THING THAN THE BEGINNING THEREOF” (Ecclesiastes 7:8a).
Here are some examples that should inspire you. When Abraham was 99 and Sarah 89, EVERY ASPECT of their LOVE LIFE was alive and active resulting in the birth of ISAAC. If this saintly couple were still actively in love in their old age, why should you “retire” from love and romance with your Spouse all because you’re now in retirement from government or private sector job?
It might interest you to know that Isaac married at 40. Father Abraham took a new Wife when he was well past 140 years old. Moses married the Ethiopian woman when he was well past 80 years. So, when we talk about Married Love, age and grey hairs are no hindering factors. Neither are menopause, diminished beauty/handsomeness, receding hairlines nor wrinkled skins!
At the time King Abimelech saw Isaac and Rebecca “sporting” (Gen.26:8), Isaac was well in his eighties or perhaps even older. Yet, love and sexual intimacy was high on their priority list. So, why would you shortchange yourselves because you’re now 60 or 70?
Give priority attention to the romantic and sexual aspects of your Marriage. They’re given to you by GOD, to among other purposes, serve as shields of defense against the fierce forces of sexual immorality that are on the loose today!(1 Cor.7:2)
Tonight, be appreciative of one another. Tell your Spouse 5 ways their presence has impacted your Life.
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