Enriching Matrimonies


‘Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy a unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.’

LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE THAT HAS LIFE, Love has the capacity to grow and enlarge. This capacity must, however, be nourished or else the required growth will not become a reality. And that’s why there are so many marriages today that are not growing. Sometimes, the hostilities between the Spouses in such unions are so frequent and so wild that you wonder how they ever got married in the first place. Well, they fell in love genuinely at the beginning and got married but failed to nurture their love for each other and it got overgrown with the wild weeds of hatred, suspicion, distrust, infidelity, etc.

As Spouses, it’s important for you to understand that your marriage is comparable to the Garden of Eden that was gifted to the first couple, Adam and Eve, as their Home.

It was their privilege to freely enjoy it. Yet, it was their duty to DRESS AND KEEP IT.
They were to also observe the strict dietry law that extended their feeding liberty to every tree in the Garden with the exception of one: the fruit of the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil. It’s no more news that their rebellious choice to disobey the dietry law cost them the loss of the glorious garden and they were driven out to live in the wild for the rest of their lives.

In our anchor scripture are calls from a Lover to her Spouse for deeper commitment. She demands that he set her on his HEART and on his ARM. This is a demand to go higher in the Love Life.
As Spouses, you must not be content to stay on the lower rungs of Love. You must go deeper in your Intimacy with each other.

Even in the Christian life, a similar demand is made on the Believer:

“And above all things HAVE FERVENT CHARITY among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.”(1 Peter 4:8) It means, it’s not enough to have mere brotherly love. Go far beyond that. Scoop so much more of God’s Love into your heart to be able to deeply love your Christian brethren and to forgive their faults.

In Marriage also, you need to go far beyond the light and simple level of love that enables you live under the same roof. You must move into the realms of continual affection and delight in each other that makes you detest every form of unfaithfulness.

Make BEING IN LOVE with each other a priority you pursue vigorously. Let me give you an illustration.
Supposing, just supposing, as a married woman you met a handsome and interesting guy somewhere and you somehow exchanged phone numbers. Would your thoughts turn to him from time to time in the course of the day or not? Of course, your thoughts would turn to him. You would be expecting to get a call from him, right? When he calls, you’ll run to one corner of the house to receive and answer the call. And you’ll be smiling because you find him interesting even though he might, unknown to you, be a gangster that’s on the Police Department’s WANTED list! You recall his handsome face; his big, sleek Jeep and you smile. This is how many deadly infidelities have been born. But the lesson I want you to learn here is that the capacities to fall in love, be in love and be an EXCITED LOVER are always inside you. ALWAYS! Why not turn them on and keep them blazing on your Spouse? Treat your husband or wife as if you met them ONLY YESTERDAY. Forget their mistakes and weaknesses and focus on their strengths and positivity. Look at their pictures in your phone again and again just as you’d steal looks the hidden pictures of the guy we earlier mentioned.

You must drive yourself to be in love with your spouse or else it won’t happen! You must weed off the suspicion, distrust, and hatred that sprout in your heart against them. Above all know this: there’s no other person out there that’s actually better than your spouse. Know this and know peace.

Invest your heart and affection into loving them LIKE YOU MET ONLY YESTERDAY. That’s how to be a MARRIED LOVER.

Tonight, lock your bedroom door.
Embrace each other tight. Call your Spouse’s name and say, “YOU’RE MY LOVER, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART, SOUL AND BODY.” Say it ten times. The Husband will do it first and then Madam will follow.
You’re confessing your love for each other. It’s important you do this often.