MANY YEARS AGO, I read about Satanists undertaking a 40 Days Fast at the end of which they placed only one petition before their master, Satan. Their request was: DESTROY THE MARRIAGES OF CHRISTIAN LEADERS. That gave me a clue as to how ordinarily good marriages of some Preachers have suddenly crashed and quiet mysteriously too. These crashes were orchestrated by the forces of darkness. Do you know why? It’s because destroying the Marriage of a Preacher is like using one stone to kill, not just two birds, but very many birds! Apart from the discouragement it would cause in the Body of Christ, the scandal and the disrepute will linger for years. And of course, the cause of Christ will suffer for it.
Centuries ago when Castles were fashionable among noble men, it was the practice of the owners of those mighty edifices to periodically survey their buildings, note the parts that had become weak to reconstruct and fortify them against invaders and attackers.
Like those men, you and your Spouse need to consolidate and refortify your Marriage from time to time so the devil will not find any weak point through which to gain access into your union and home to wreck havoc.
The scandal that the enemy used to destroy a prosperous Christian Ministry many years ago was as a result of the foot dragging of the Preacher’s wife in meeting the sexual needs of her husband and the unwise anger that resulted. In his anger the Preacher accepted an arrangement for a lady to be brought for him. His affair with her didn’t last more than 16 minutes and that was it. The news spread and the thriving Ministry was brought down: flat on it’s face.
The truth is, the devil has no power as far as the Believer is concerned. What he has and uses is what the second part of our anchor reveals: WILES!
The Dictionary defines WILES as: “devious or cunning stratagems employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what one wants.” This is what the devil uses most times.
Let’s consider the Preacher who’s beautiful ministry collapsed after an extramarital affairs that didn’t last more than 16 minutes. The enemy might have cunningly given the Wife reasons why she should be slow in responding to her husband’s bedroom need. “Why should you be in a hurry about meeting his need? He’s so lustful and he calls himself a Man of God. Just go at your own pace. Don’t give him the impression that you’re like prostitutes. You’re a Lady. Let him chase you and sweat before you’ll consent.” Perhaps, six or seven more days passed and Madam hadn’t deemed it necessary to meet her Preacher-Husband’s need.
The same devil whispers to her husband. “See how she treats you? Like trash, like a piece of rag! All because she knows that you’re a Preacher and would never slap her. She despises you. Why not get a lady arranged for you? It’s simple. You needn’t be personally involved. Dating agencies can handle all the details online.”
This is how many marital collapses have been carried out by the devil using WILES.
Beloved, work on your marriage. Strengthen your Agreement, Unity, Communication, Mutual Respect, Prayer Life and Personal Fellowship with God. Renew your Companionship, your Romantic and Sexual Life.
Discuss your Marriage.
Look at it from different angles. Plan on strengthening the weak aspects.