Enriching Matrimonies

When Bad Things Happen To Lovebirds

‘”Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love,it would utterly be contemned”‘
(Songs of Solomon 8:7)

WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF ATTACKS, hatred, and wars. And these malevolent onslaughts are basically masterminded by Satan and his forces who hate God and all that are of Him, including Marriages. So, if as a Lovebird you assume that your union will have a smooth sail without meeting some fierce and life threatening storms in your journey through life, then you’re yet to know where you are. Planet earth is a fierce battle field where nothing and no one is spared. Especially breathtakingly beautiful marriages.

As a matter of fact, after God created the Heavens and the Earth, the first thing Satan struck wasn’t the mountains, rivers and the earth’s climate. It was the Merry Lovebirds of Eden, Adam and Eve.

Adam and Eve were the first Lovebirds attacked on earth.
Nobody dead or alive has enjoyed a home so furnished with natural comforts and grandeur like Adam and Eve. But something bad happened to them.
Diabolos, the devil, subtly came upon them and they made the greatest mistake of their lives. Consequently, they were thrown out into the wild to start life in the middle of nowhere.
But instead of being angry with his wife for drawing him into transgression, Adam loved her even more! And that’s one of the amazing and beautiful characteristics of Lovebirds! He refused to see her as “the wicked woman” who made him lose everything. Rather he saw her as the Mother of all the living creatures on earth and gave her a new and higher NAME: EVE, THE MOTHER OF ALL THE LIVING!(Genesis 3:20)

Even when the heartbreaking fatricide of Cain happened and they had to bury Abel; and Life suddenly became bleak, Adam and Eve, the great Lovebirds held to each in love until God blessed them with another Son, Seth.
So, when Lovebirds hold on and cleave together in love, the worst night eventually turns into a beautiful and GLORIOUS DAY!

Zechariah and Elizabeth were Lovebirds. Great Lovebirds!

The scripture tells us that they were holy and blameless. Yet childlessness happened to them!

Unlike Abraham who got assurances from God that he wouldn’t die childless, Zechariah and Elizabeth enjoyed no such comfort. From year to year they cleaved firmly together in love and kept praying. They grew older until they became stricken with Age. But you know what? They refused to give up. They hung on in that seemingly childless Marriage. They kept making love and believing God that one day, one of those moments of conjugal bliss would result in a beautiful Baby. Yes, Lovebirds never let “many waters” quench their Love for each other. They never throw in the towel. Yes, Zechariah and Elizabeth clung to one another and suddenly God blessed them with a great and eminent son JOHN THE BAPTIST!

Dearly Beloved, don’t give up on your marriage. Resolve to be indefatigable Lovebirds and you’ll surely see the Hand of God!

Jacob and Rachel are among the Bibles greatest Lovebirds!
For seven years, Jacob laboured for Mr Laban as his dowry for his daughter Rachel. But for Jacob, those seven long years were like a few days of fun because of his intense and sizzling love for Rachel.

As far as Jacob was concerned, Rachel was the very epitome of Womanhood. There was no woman anywhere that was comparable to her. Even when the tradition of men and the twists and turns of life joined hands and threw three other women into his bosom, each of them a childbearing woman while his beloved heartthrob, RACHEL, was barren in their midst, none of them could so much as come any where near the exalted position Rachel occupied in his Heart! She was his Queen and Empress! Jacob and Rachel were Lovebirds per excellence. The overpowering waters and floods of life could not drown their love nor put out it’s fierce and blazing flames.

Our anchor scripture is one of the strongest revelations on the power of true romantic love in Marriage. It makes it clear that the miseries and misfortunes of life cannot subdue the love of Spouses who genuinely cherish one another.

And for our present generation of maritally ignorant Spouses who call their treachery and betrayal of their Spouses CHEATING, the last part of the verse declares solemnly and very strongly that the offer of a house full of treasures and riches cannot make a true Lovebirds betray their Mate. Such an offer will be counted as an insult.
1. Sit down together and prayerfully read and discuss our anchor scripture for today.
2. And then reread the devotional Piece.