Enriching Matrimonies

A Message To Husbands: How To Live With The Wonderful Woman You Married(Pt.1)

‘Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.’
(1 Peter 3: 7)

READING THE FIRST nine words of our anchor scripture, we can easily see that there is a right as well as a wrong way to live with a Wife. Thankfully, our anchor verse goes on to teach us the right way is to DWELL with her.
You are to DWELL with your wife according to KNOWLEDGE drawn from God’s Word.


(1) Genesis 2:22
A WOMAN IS A TENDER CREATURE. Whereas you as Man was made from the DUST OF THE EARTH(Genesis 2:7) and are therefore rugged, strong and designed to climb trees, dig wells, roof a fifteen storey building, drive heavy-duty trailers and trucks, a woman was formed from a gentle and bendable RIB and is therefore a tender being that must not be assigned rugged and hard tasks. Irrespective of her height and weight, a woman is a soft being and you should, without being told, know that she is a gender you should not for any reason rough handle or mistreat. It’s abomination to fight or beat her. But very sadly, most men are unmindful of these truths and therefore relate with their Wife as if dealing with another male. Some even fight their Wives; doing it not with half but ALL THEIR MIGHT, and leaving her sometimes practically fractured after a fight. What a shame and utter misuse of masculinity! This is the very height of folly, stupidity and cowardice.

Dear Husbands, God is calling you this morning to reexamine how you’ve dwelt with your Wife thus far and amend your ways! Don’t live with her according to the dictates of your mind or feelings but only according to God’s Word! And don’t allow yourself to be provoked by her utterances. Always endeavour to be in command of your temper and mood.

(2.) Genesis 2:24. In this verse, we are told that a man would leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they would become ONE FLESH. As a husband, you ought to dwell with your wife continually according to the dictates of this verse. You are to CLEAVE to her lovingly, affectionately, passionately and compassionately round the clock. You’re not to push her but to embrace and cleave to her despite the fact that she displeases, hurts, disobeys or challenges you sometimes. Cleaving to her also means that you’ll never turn treacherous at anytime and engage in extramarital affairs to betray her. Doing so is backstabbing her.

(3) Ephesians 5:28-29:

“So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church”
According to these verses, you are to love your dear Wife as you love your physical body. How do you love your body?
πŸ’• FIRSTLY, YOU LOVE YOUR BODY BY GIVING IT UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. Whether you’re tall, short or dwarfed you love and accept your body as it is. You’re proud of it and don’t ever wish to be like someone else. In the same way, accept your Wife as she is and stop wishing she were fatter, taller, fairer in complexion, had bigger buttocks, breasts, etc. After all, you saw her before marriage and accepted her then. Why the strange change of mind after years of marriage? Such change of mind isn’t ordinary. It’s either spiritual manipulation at work or your own mind is veering from the domain of wisdom to the paths of folly.
Love your Wife exactly as you love your body.
πŸ’•YOU LOVE YOUR BODY BY FEEDING IT, PROTECTING IT, BATHING, GROOMING AND DRESSING IT UP EVERYDAY. Yes, you do these services for your physical body everyday without complaining. So also should you do same for your wife daily with joy. Feed her physically, emotionally, spiritually and sexually. Your Wife mustn’t starve on any of these levels.
Protect her from all forms of antagonism. Protect her from wrong accusations and unreasonable invasion of her rights by your relatives, etc. Protect her!!!
Bathe her every day. Now, this is not about taking her to the bathroom. No! You bathe her by FORGIVENESS AND LOVING CORRECTIONS. This implies forgiving her errors privately, between just the two of you, just as you take your bathes in the bathroom all alone because you don’t want your nakedness seen. Similarly, protect her “nakedness”; protect her integrity, honour and reputation by correcting her out of the view of people. When you do this all the time, you’re a wiseman who loves his wife as he loves his flesh.

Finally, dress up your Wife by making her glorious. You do this by praising her, admiring her and celebrating her endlessly. Stop stamping her with disapprovals. She’s already sick and tired of that negativism. Turn a new leaf: celebrate her cooking, celebrate her motherhood, celebrate her sexual ministrations to you for a decade or even longer. Celebrate her! Yes, she’s not perfect but who is? You aren’t either. So, celebrate this Lady who left kith and kin to dwell with you and make you a family and a lineage!

Husband, Tonight you’re going to celebrate your Wife. Get some drinks. Do something to celebrate your Wife tonight, dear Husband.
Don’t wait until she’s dead to write a colourful Tribute. Say the “Tribute” tonight. Let her hear the words from your lips while alive.
πŸ’•And every other day after tonight, celebrate your Wife. That’s how to make Life beautiful and memorable.