Enriching Matrimonies

A Message To Husbands: How To Live With The Wonderful Woman You Married(Pt.2)

‘Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.’
(1 Peter 3:7)

IN OUR DEVOTIONAL PIECE for yesterday, it was established that to live successfully with your wife, you must dwell and relate with her, not according to the dictates of your mind, but rather in accordance with Knowledge drawn from God’s Word.

Today, we’re looking at a part of our anchor scripture that we didn’t touch yesterday. This part hands down to husbands the command to HONOUR THEIR WIVES! Sounds like a tall order, isn’t it? But it’s nothing extraordinary to husbands who know and understand that a Wife is a Gift to be loved, cherished and immensely adored.

Very many years ago, my young daughter told me to give her a beautiful teacup that I loved. It was beautiful China teacup that I truly cherished. My daughter was too young to own such a gift but because of her persistence, I gave it to her and told her to handle it with care since it was breakable. She received it with joy and assured me that she would take good care of it. What happened afterwards? The beautiful teacup didn’t last 24 hours in her possession. I was in the bedroom when I heard her cry: ” Daddy, Daddy, the cup is broken!” I rushed out to the sitting room and met the broken pieces of the teacup I once love. That day, I didn’t blame my child. Instead, I took the blame silently for giving her a gift she was too young to handle.

But when God gives a Wife to a grown man and hands him very lucid instructions such as we have in our anchor scripture, He expects him to make a grand success of his marriage.

In the part of our anchor scripture under review, God tells Husbands that a Wife is to be handled with honour and he doesn’t stop there. He gives you the reason why you ought to handle her with a lot of dignity: it’s because she is a WEAKER VESSEL.

Now, remember the story of the teacup I gave to my two year old child? If it were a plastic cup, it won’t have broken. If it were a metal cup, nothing would have happened to it. Plastic and metal products generally endure rough handling. You could even throw them on the floor and they wouldn’t be damaged. But you dare not try such with your Chinas. They are of different make from your metal and plastic plates, cups and dishes. As a matter of fact, your Wife stores all her Chinas delicately in a special cupboard and they’re not used except on very special occasions. And even on such occasions everyone handles them delicately and with so much care.

Husbands are like the plastic and metal products. They can endure rough usage but Wives are completely different. They are like delicate Chinaware that you must not touch, hold or handle roughly or carelessly. They are very delicate and God says: TREAT HER WITH HONOUR BECAUSE SHE’S DELICATE AND BREAKABLE. He’s the Creator and knows what He’s saying.

God’s saying that a Wife is a WEAKER VESSEL does not imply that she is inferior or feeble. No, No, No, No! Instead, He’s telling you that she’s a precious, expensive, invaluable and priceless Gift you must always treat with uttermost tenderness, supreme love and deep respect.
For instance, each time you bring out your academic credentials you don’t let your kids touch them, do you? Nothing ever makes you take them near the kitchen or toilet, let alone forget them in any of these odd places. Why? Because you have so much respect for those documents. Even though they’re ordinary paper, you don’t treat them like you do your daily newspapers. Why the difference? It’s because of the high value you place on your degrees. That’s what God is telling you: your wife is just not an ordinary Woman. She’s not like the strange women, prostitutes and the unmarried girls you see on the streets and in your office. She’s a Wife. She’s a Gift you obtained by favour from the God of Heaven. Love her, cherish her, honour her and pamper her, ALWAYS.

Tonight, you’re still going to give your wife special attention.
Ask her what special “love service” she would love to get from you tonight. Give her whatever she asks for.
And dear Wife, ask what you you’re sure your husband has the ability to provide.

❤️💕🌴 MARRIAGE REVOLUTION ROARS ON!!!💕💞❤️💕💞🤎💕💞💚💕💞🌴🌴💚🤎❤️🌴🌴💚🤎❤️🌴🌴❤️🤎💚🌴🌴❤️🤎💚🌴🌴💕💚🤎🤎🤎❤️🌴💕💞