TODAY, WE ARE LOOKING at the letter “S” in the name with which we’ve teaching principles that guarantee a successful, strong and robust marriage. “S” stands for:
Marriage is a school from which you never graduate. You’re both Students in this school until it pleases God to call you into Eternity.
When we began Maximum Marriage Ministries several years ago, one of the first courses God led us to teach was what we called at the time THE SCHOOL OF SUPERLATIVE SEX. Truly speaking, we had taught two other Marriage Courses before we got to this one. But THE SCHOOL OF SUPERLATIVE SEX made the attendance at the weekly meetings jump! My sitting room which was the venue for our meetings was suddenly packed full and we had a little overflow beyond the door. Why? Married men and women want to know more about Sex and understandably so. Yes, they’re married but they still want to know HOW TO IMPROVE in their sexual skills and performances.
Whether you accept it or not, Sex is an Art. In Marriage it doesn’t matter whether you’re a geologist, an architect or a teacher, the onus is on you to be a sensationally superlative sexual artist whose performance thrills both your Spouse and the Lord.
“What brings the Lord into this?”, you may ask. Something surely brings Him into it. Don’t forget that the Lord loves and notes excellence in each and every sphere of Life. And that’s why He noted the peculiar unity of the builders of the Tower of Babel as well the outstanding hunting prowess of Nimrod. So also does He love Excellence in the bedroom life of spouses because He created EVERYTHING for His PLEASURE(Revelation 4:11). To this end therefore we are commanded “WHATSOEVER YE DO, DO IT TO THE GLORY OF GOD”(1 Corinthians 10:31). And when you make glorifying God the underlying motivation for what you do, you’re spurred on to do your very best. This should be your attitude in your sex life in marriage.
Yes, ATTITUDE, that’s what’s at the very heart of sexual performances in marriage. And it’s what determines whether your performances could be rated as Excellent or Mediocre. True, no man is keeping records of the quality and quantity of your bedroom “deliveries” but God certainly is.
In our anchor scripture, we are commanded to DO EVERYTHING FROM THE HEART AND WITH ALL THE HEART AS SERVICES UNTO THE LORD HIMSELF. Does that tell you that God is interested in everything we do? It certainly does. And that’s why He noted the lacklustre and fraudulent sexual behaviour of Onan the grandson of Abraham and slew him.
Our anchor scripture is certainly telling you that there’s need for you to invest diligence, commitment, skillfulness and dexterity in your performances during sexual intercourse with your beloved husband or Wife. Merely presenting your naked body on the bed isn’t enough. Make your performances first-class, award-winning and top ranking. That’s how to give obedience to our anchor scripture for today, as far as Bedroom Life in marriage is concerned.
Tonight, get your Hymn books out and SING just two songs together before going to bed.