WHEN GOD DECLARED that it is not good that man should be alone, He wasn’t speaking only about Adam. He was speaking about everybody. He was saying that: Solitariness is not good for matured men and women because it would lead to undesirable and damaging consequences.
As a married person, you must never lose sight of the fact that your spouse NEEDS your physical presence and that they can not stay without you for too long under normal circumstances. And so also do you need them.
It’s true that in our modern and busy world, Career, Business, Studies and many other pertinent causes could require you to be away from home and family for some time. Nevertheless, you must not be contented with an avoidably prolonged absence from your spouse. Such contentment is giving the devil the opportunity he seeks to destroy your home.
I once read about a lady who got an international and high paying job. She promptly relocated to the foreign country while her husband stayed back at home.
Unfortunately, however, she didn’t put things in their proper perspectives. She threw herself into the job and was recognized, applauded, and honoured with awards and accolades. But way back home, her husband was suffering and enduring her absence. It later got to a point where her prolonged absence drove him into INFIDELITY. Ordinarily, he was a true gentleman and a morally disciplined individual but there’s a limit to every man’s endurance, particularly when they aren’t yet born again.
Do you have a Career, Business or Ministry? Sure, it’s important that you be your best in your calling. It’s beautiful to strive to reach the pinnacle of your career.
Nevertheless, you must not do it at the expense of your marriage and family. If you win all the awards and bear all the big titles in the workplace(Chief, Director, Senior Executive, Comptroller General, etc) but don’t give attention to your marriage and it fails, you’ll at retirement come back to live in the wreckage.
Build a great and wonderful career life but alongside that, build your marriage and family as well.
Home and Family are your fortress of comfort in the stormy world in which we live.
No matter how good you may be in that Company, University, Bank, or whatever the name of the establishment, a day is coming when you’ll no more he needed and you’ll be shoved aside and your beloved office given to another. So, be wise.
Invest time, energy and financial resources in growing and fortifying your Marriage TODAY. Read books, attend Marriage Seminars, join Ministries that minister to couples; because you’ll definitely need a strong and loving relationship with each other in your old age when the children have all gone their respective ways leaving you in the big “Nest” that was once home to many!
Sit down together and discuss the kind of old age you both want. What kind of Love Life do you desire to have in your sunset years?
Get a notebook and write down your decisions. Keep this book somewhere for future reference.