Enriching Matrimonies


‘MY SON, ATTEND UNTO MY WISDOM, AND BOW THINE EAR TO MY UNDERSTANDING: That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge. FOR THE LIPS OF A STRANGE WOMAN DROP AS AN HONEYCOMB, AND HER MOUTH IS SMOOTHER THAN OIL: BUT HER END IS BITTER AS WORMWOOD, SHARP AS A TWO-EDGED SWORD. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell. Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them. Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth. REMOVE THY WAY FAR FROM HER, AND COME NOT NIGH THE DOOR OF HER HOUSE: LEST THOU GIVE THINE HONOUR UNTO OTHERS, AND THY YEARS UNTO THE CRUEL: LEST STRANGERS BE FILLED WITH THY WEALTH; AND THY LABOURS BE IN THE HOUSE OF A STRANGER; AND THOU MOURN AT THE LAST, WHEN THY FLESH AND THY BODY ARE CONSUMED’
(Proverbs 5: 1-11)

IF THE TRUE STATISTICS OF THE NUMBER OF THOSE who have been destroyed by sexual immorality were fully known, most people who are still prancing in that sin and thinking that they are enjoying, won’t try it. This is because, sexual immorality goes with a heavy price tag. It keeps it’s deluded clients longer than they planned to stay, costs them far more than they wanted to pay and takes them farther than they wanted to go. If you’re in doubt, ask Samson the One-Man-Army.

It’s most unlikely that Samson planned to “camp” with Miss Delilah of the Valley of Sorek for as long as he did on the day he first stayed over at her apartment. But he did because Miss Delilah kept urging him to stay on. “What are you going back home so soon for? After all, everything you need is here. Above all, I am here and all yours to have as you please. Please, be my guest”, Delilah might have chimed in his ears. Remember verses 3 and 4 of our anchor scripture.

“3 For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:

4 But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.”

The tongue of the strange woman is sleek and persuasive and, of course, she’ll match her words with the exposure of some her feminine charms to drive her points home. And so Samson the One-Man-Army stayed on against the counsels and premonitions of his heart; giving Delilah the golden opportunity to show her venom as prophesied in verse 4 of our anchor scripture.

Those who go into extramarital affairs are some of the most myopic individuals on earth because all they fix their minds on is the few minutes of excitement they hope to experience. They give no thoughts to the grave costs that attend their tragic choice to gratify the flesh.

Our anchor scriptures detail some of the heavy tolls of Adultery. They include the loss of honour and reputation. They also include loss of wealth and health as the victim’s riches would be in the hands of total strangers and their body ravaged by strange diseases, leading to a slow death.

But when planning to cheat, the unfaithful spouses don’t think of these consequences. Infact, some don’t even believe that they exist in the first place; just because they’ve been practicing infidelity for years and going scot free. They forget that Samson had for years been getting away with his immorality until he finally fell into the hands of Miss Delilah.

Are you that Husband or Wife who has been committing adultery against your spouse for years now and getting away with it? It’s time for you to repent and turn from your evil ways or else the devil will visit you with the consequences of immorality.

Samson suddenly found himself helpless in the hands of his sworn enemies and there was no escape route. Even if there was, he couldn’t see it because his enemies had already gouged out his eyes! Remember verse 11 of our anchor passage? It was fulfilled as Samson’s eyes were “consumed” while he was still alive.

The Head of State of an African country was killed by the strange women he imported to commit adultery with. And suddenly, the massive wealth he had stashed away in the secure volts of foreign Banks fell into the hands of others. Do you still doubt the veracity of scripture? Please, don’t.

Perhaps, what emboldens you to continue in Adultery is the fact that your paths are well concealed and there’s no way your spouse will “ever” know. How so deceived you are! Remember, the woman in John chapter 8. She was caught in the very act. She was completely naked and the man atop her! You think she didn’t conceal her tracks? She did. But there’ll always come that final Day when the Adulterer or Adulteress’ cup is full and God’s judgement comes. Part of that judgement may include being caught red-handed in the act or dying naked in the act as has happened to many.

“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: BUT WHOREMONGERS AND ADULTERERS GOD WILL JUDGE.”(Hebrews 13:4)

Don’t wait until God’s judgement comes upon you. Be wise. Repent today and believe on Jesus Christ and you’ll be saved.

Use this night in renewing your romance. Spend time with each other and converse, reminisce about your journey so far as married lovers. Kiss passionately and do other nonsexual things. It mustn’t be always and only Sex. But if you get so “hot” and you both choose to re-consummate your marriage, go on. It’s excellent.