I WAS IN PRIMARY SIX, when the news spread in the town where I lived that a certain man had punished his daughter by putting ground pepper in the poor child’s private part. Just imagine a Father descending so brutishly low as to do what even rapists don’t imagine themselves doing, all because he was angry. That horrible news gave that man a bad name as most people saw his action as too extreme a measure in punishing a girl child; no matter what she had done.
Not quite two years after, the same man murdered his wife! His Anger this time did it’s worst. And as should be expected, law enforcement agents swiftly stepped in and took him where he rightly belongs: behind bars.
Dearly Beloved, one of the things you must carefully watch against is ANGER. As has been said over and over, ANGER is just one letter away from DANGER. If you don’t watch yourself when provoked, you might easily add the “D” that will turn your Anger into Danger and make you a Murderer, quite contrary to all your intentions.
We were all born with the ability to be ANGRY. As a matter of fact, Anger is a part of God’s image in us because God also has the capacity to be angry. However, His Anger is well controlled, well timed and it’s always exercised in holiness and righteousness. And many times, His Anger is tempered with mercy and compassion. He never allows His Anger dominate and control Him. Similarly, we must not let our Anger control us. Our Anger must be just and reasonable.
In our anchor scripture passage is the account of the first incident of murder on planet earth. That act was as a result of ANGER. And of course, God’s judgement was swift. Cain, the Murderer, became a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth all the rest of his life because of his unbridled Anger!
Anger blinds and renders those who harbour it incapable of seeing correctly and reasoning properly. We see this in the case of Cain. In what way was Abel responsible for God’s rejection of his sacrifice? The answer is apparent: in no way. Why then was Cain angry at Abel? He had no reason for being angry with Abel. Yet he was persistently and blindly angry at his brother until he murdered him in cold blood. Worse still, not even after his act of homicide was he sober and penitent as shown by the way He answered God in our anchor passage. He was temporarily mad as a result of ANGER. Cain is clear proof that uncontrolled Anger causes temporary mental imbalance.
Some have in the state of ANGER taken rash decisions that have ruined their formerly happy home and left it in ruins till this day.
God’s Word doesn’t forbid us from being angry. It, however, tells us to ensure that when we are angry, our anger doesn’t degenerate into Sin:
“26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
27 Neither give place to the devil.”(Ephesians 4:26-27)
Ephesians 4:27(above) tells us not to give room to the devil. One of the ways to give Satan room or foothold in your marriage and family is by unwarranted and uncontrolled Anger.
Finally, there are three important things you must know about uncontrolled ANGER:
(1) It will take you further than you wanted to go. You may end up killing your husband or Wife before realizing it!
(2) It will keep a grip on you for much longer than you imagined. Cain probably didn’t intend to be angry with Abel for long. It was probably his immediate emotion as he realized that God had rejected his offering but accepted Abel’s. But instead of heeding God’s warning in Genesis 4:6-7 and desisting from Anger, he harboured it, giving the devil the room to
hatch in him the plan of killing Abel: so he won’t be seeing him any more; since the sight of him reminded him of his failure.
(3) Anger will cost you much more than you want to pay! Many are languishing in prisons today, serving a life sentence or waiting for the Hangman’s noose: all because of what they did in a fit of Anger. Perhaps, they demonstrated their Anger to prove a point but in the course of doing so ended up taking a human life. Probably, all they wanted was to win an argument but lo and behold, they are now spending the rest of their lives in jail.
Beware of uncontrolled ANGER. Only fools are proud of being Angry:
“Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: FOR ANGER RESTETH IN THE BOSOM OF FOOLS.”(Ecclesiastes 7: 9 KJV)
“Do not be eager in your heart to be angry,
Several fruits are known to be natural Libido boosters. One of them is Banana.
Tonight, get some Banana into the bedroom and eat together.
β€οΈπ MARRIAGE REVOLUTION CONTINUES!πβ€οΈππππβ€οΈπππβ€οΈπππβ€οΈππππβ€οΈππππβ€οΈπππβ€οΈπππβ€οΈπ