Enriching Matrimonies


‘LIVE JOYFULLY with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun. WHATSOEVER THY HAND FINDETH TO DO, DO IT WITH THY MIGHT’
(Ecclesiastes 9:9-10a)

IN OUR LAST DEVOTIONAL PIECE, we saw that it’s your duty to grow your marriage by tending and nourishing it DAILY, just like the man who has a young flower plant in an earthen pot.

We also saw yesterday that the things with which to nourish your marriage include: RESPECT, COMPANIONSHIP AND ROMANTIC LOVE. Today, we shall by God’s grace be looking at more things that you need to pour into your marriage for it to thrive and become the kind of marriage God instituted in Eden long time ago.

The additional things are:

Our anchor scripture isn’t a suggestion. Neither is it a concept that’s conveyed for your casual perusal. No! It’s a divine instruction that commands you to make the most of your marriage. It tells you to make your living with your spouse a daily celebration. It goes further to tell you that your marriage is your greatest “package of delights” under the Sun and you should lavishly enjoy it. Was the Writer, King Solomon, just expressing his personal philosophy about life? No. The Hand of the Lord took hold of him and used him to pen this command. If you understand the brevity of life, you’ll be in a hurry to do what those verses say: live joyfully with your spouse everyday because before you know it, death will bring the union to an end.

Whether you like it or not; whether you accept it or not, Marriage is a sexual relationship.

The Bible says: “MALE AND FEMALE CREATED HE THEM”(Genesis 1:27). It further says: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall CLEAVE UNTO HIS WIFE: and they shall be one flesh.”(Genesis 2:24) It’s CLEAVING that makes a Man and a Woman ONE FLESH and that Cleaving is SEXUAL INTERCOURSE.

Culture with it’s loads of hypocrisy uses all and every arsenal in it’s possession to limit the amount of Sex spouses consume.

Christless Religion with it’s legalism works hard to make spouses believe that asceticism is the real thing and that to have Sex with one’s spouse often is a sign of carnality.

But what sweet relief it is that God Himself in His Word calls Sexual Intercourse in Marriage WATER(Proverbs 5:15) and commands Spouses to freely DRINK IT! Beloved, for your marriage to thrive and not just be on the level of mere existence; for your marriage to flourish; for your union to grow luxuriantly, you must be a couple who understands the role of Sexual Intimacy as the Water of Marriage. You must audaciously elect to make the most of it. Sex is not for storage but for USAGE. When all you do is store it but don’t use it, you’re like the fool whom Bob Marley sang about in his song titled Rat Race. He sang: “IN THE ABUNDANCE OF WATER, THE FOOL IS THIRSTY!” The fool in this song must have been thirsty for a number of reasons. He probably didn’t want to be called names for “drinking too much Water”; so, he chose to better endure Thirsts than be called names by neighbours. Or he thought, “What’s the point drinking, I’m a highly disciplined person, after all. I can stay without Water for a decade.” There could be several other reasons, all of them silly reasons.

In Marriage, having Sex abundantly is expedient because the amount of Sex you have easily reflects the amount of agreement, harmony and cohesion there is between you and your spouse. The more Sex you have as a couple, the stronger and more consolidated the pillars and walls of your marriage castle. When you were in honeymoon you “drank” Sex like Water, right? That’s the true nature of Lovebirds. Just like in life, your natural love and desire for physical Water doesn’t change, so also should your love and desire for the body of your spouse not diminish.

At the onset of your relationship and all throughout your period of courtship, you were well behaved towards each other. You weren’t RUDE. You consistently showed or demonstrated politeness and courtesy towards each other. But now and for years past you’ve been a different person. All the “gentlemanly conduct” or “Ladylike behaviour” gone! I could digress but it’s not necessary because you know how you have changed negatively. However, there’s room for a new and amazing You to emerge.
Make up your mind to be your sweet old self again. Ask God to help you recover your once lovely and beautiful personality and He will. And if you’re not yet born again, get down on your knees in humble repentance and invite Jesus Christ to come into your life and He will. His presence in your heart will transform YOU into a brand-new person that your Spouse will greatly enjoy. And you will also enjoy your Mate better than ever.

You’ll still use HARP method to pray today. For those who are new to this Devotional, HARP means HUG AND REALLY PRAY. How it’s done is, you and your Spouse will come together into your bedroom and lock the door behind you.
Next, you could strip completely or you could be partially dressed. Then you’ll HUG EACH OTHER and in that posture you’ll pray. Note that the emphasis of the exercise is to REALLY PRAY. So, take time to REALLY PRAY. Your bodily contact is no distraction. Understand that you’re in close fellowship with each other and with GOD.