Enriching Matrimonies

Creating The Kind Of Marriage God Wants You To Have(Pt.1)

‘A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry;’
(Ecclesiastes 10:19a)

MOST SPOUSES GOT MARRIED with no plans on making their union a superlative success. To them, walking up to God’s Altar to say “I DO” was an end in itself and once they did, they said in their hearts: “MARRIAGE DONE AND DUSTED!” And on they moved to other pursuits. They add nothing to their relationship with their Spouse. Sadly, it’s only a matter of time and the union begins to shrivel and to unravel. The fact that God brought the two of you together by very clear and indisputable guidance does not and cannot stop your marriage from dying when you don’t nourish it on daily basis!

Our anchor scripture shows that Feasts don’t just happen, THEY ARE MADE! And when they are made, Laughter is inevitable. So also an Original Marriage such as was in Eden is possible if you would MAKE it.

God created you in His image and gave you the ability to create. So, you can create a glorious marriage.

Every marriage starts like a beautiful natural flower plant in an earthen pot. It’s well and alive. But you have the obligation of watering it faithfully at least two times every day. You must water it every morning and in the evenings. When you do this faithfully, your young flower plant grows bigger and bigger until it comes time to transplant it into a well prepared soil where it will grow into a full tree or a shrub.
Similarly, you must tend your marriage faithfully EVERYDAY. That way it will grow stronger and sweeter until it becomes a source of inspiration to many.

What are the things you must water your marriage with on daily basis? They are those beautiful things you used to do when you first fell in love with each other and which you continued right through courtship until you got married. You were not to stop doing them. You were to instead intensify them! Now, let’s look at those things.

You had much respect for your spouse when you hadn’t said “I DO”. You treated them like they were VIP. You regarded them highly and it showed in the way you spoke to them. But today, you shout at them. You strangely find them irritating. You’ve forgotten that you vowed to love them. You even fight them now. You regard others more than them. This isn’t right. It’s time to retrace your steps. Let RESPECT be written all over your relationship with your spouse. If any person deserves your respect on earth, it’s your spouse. Please, highly respect each other!

When you were in courtship, you always sought to be with him or her as much as possible. When you couldn’t be with them, you filled the gap by writing sweet letters to them. And for those who were born in the present phone era, you would call and send text messages expressing your love and affection and devotion.
But how come that now that you live under the same roof your desire for companionship with them has not only dwindled but is almost gone? Spending time together with them is no more desirable to you. How did you get to this ugly point? Dearly Beloved, it’s time to retrace your steps. It’s time to cultivate friendship and companionship with your Mate anew.

At the golden beginning of your union, you could barely take your hands off each other. Touching one another, holding hands, lying on each other’s laps, kissing and all the other outward expressions of romantic love were part and parcel of your daily life until the children began coming and you both began to withdraw from those beautiful demonstration of the inward love you have for each. Who told you to stop? Definitely not God. Instead, God’s plan is that you increase the number of times you kiss, touch, smooch, etc, per day and not to decrease them. You’re stronger together as a couple when you do these things daily. You probably thought they were childish behaviour that you have outgrown but they are components of the Lifeblood of your marriage! Stopping them makes your marriage anaemic, setting it on the dangerous path to slow but inevitable Death. Please, urgently return to them Today!

For quite a while now, you have not used “HARP”. Good and frequent use of “HARP” makes A HAPPY MARRIAGE because it keeps the enemy away! Psalms 56:9 says:
“When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me”
Tonight, use “HARP” method to pray.