Enriching Matrimonies


’25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.’
(Ephesians 5:25-27)

A CAREFUL STUDY AND MEDITATION on our anchor scripture passage tells you that Christ doesn’t expect the best of character from the Church upon getting saved. He therefore goes to work in removing the spots, blemishes, wrinkles and other things that disfigure or deform it.

How does He go about this enormous work? What does He use in washing the Church of it’s stains and blemishes? Iron sponges? No. Strong and abrasive chemical based cleansers? No. He uses the softest agent of cleansing and purification: He uses His Word. And His Word is Himself, for He is the WORD(John 1:1).

As He does His cleansing and purification work, He tells no one the imperfections He sees in each Believer. He is patient, long-suffering and gracious as He works tirelessly on each and every one of the Believers that are part of His Body, the Church.

Similarly, Husbands are to see the shortcomings and faults in the life of their wives as their marital responsibilities. You are in the life of your wife as both Head and “Saviour” (Ephesians 5:23). You are to, like Christ, love your wife despite her weaknesses. You’re not to use her weaknesses to nickname her or insult her. You are to get on your knees and pray for her, asking Her Creator, even God Almighty, to purify and transform her; and turn her weaknesses to strength. You are to correct her in love, in humility and with patience; being conscious of the fact that only God can actually effect real changes in her.

Isaac married beautiful Rebecca not knowing that she was going to be barren in his house. When after some months of marriage there was no conception, He got on His knees and began praying for her. He prayed for nineteen long years without giving up or being dismayed or thinking of taking a second wife. And because of his patient and persevering prayers and intercessions for Rebecca His dear Wife, God opened her womb and she gave birth to Esau and Jacob.

What ugly traits of behavior or character have you discovered in your wife? The mature thing to do isn’t to dump her. There’s no woman out there that’s perfect, just in case you’re thinking of taking a “better wife” to replace her. Don’t forget the saying that, “A Bird in hand is worth ten in the bush”. Stand by your God-given Wife. Allow God use you to bring His transformations into her life.

Christ is still working on the Church 2,024 years after He left the earth. His goal is to make her perfect and then He would present her to Himself after the Rapture. For now, He can foresee the glorious Church that will emerge at the end of His work of sanctification(Hebrews 12:2)

If Christ foresees the glorious Church that will emerge at the end of His labours, then you also should be able to imagine the glorious woman your wife will eventually become as you patiently and perseveringly pray for her, correct her in love and maturity and love her sacrificially, intensely and untiringly.

Tonight, hold hands and pray for each other.

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