Enriching Matrimonies


‘There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth. AND THEY WERE BOTH RIGHTEOUS BEFORE GOD, WALKING IN ALL THE COMMANDMENTS AND ORDINANCES OF THE LORD BLAMELESS. And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and THEY BOTH WERE NOW WELL STRICKEN IN YEARS. NOW ABRAHAM AND SARAH WERE OLD AND WELL STRICKEN IN AGE; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.’
(Luke 1:5-7; Genesis 18:11)

ZECHARIAH AND ELIZABETH his beloved wife were an illustrious couple whose lives were marked by holiness.

Right from the morning of their lives they were pure and stainless. Luke 1: 6 presents a glowing testimonial of their high profile spiritual lives. Yet they were childless through youth, young adulthood, full adulthood and into full old age until they were well stricken in years.
When the Bible says that they were “well stricken with years”, it means they had become as old or almost as Abraham and Sarah when God appeared at their home the year to the birth of Isaac.

Now, Abraham and Sarah had the comfort of massive wealth while they awaited the birth of Isaac. Not only that, they had the good assurances of God about the Son of Promise and of Abraham becoming the father of many nations. But Zachariah and Elizabeth? I doubt very much if they were rich let alone being wealthy. As for assurance and reassurances that they would have a child, there was none. At least, there’s no such records. Yet, all around them swarmed the children of others, both those they knew and those that they did not know. And you think they didn’t from time to time feel the emptiness of children in their home and lives? They definitely did again and again and again. But they chose to be loyal and faithful to the God whom they served. They elected to never murmur and displease Him. They chose to trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy under the Sun but by trusting in God and resting on His good Word. And so they continued to trust and obey AND PRAY.

They prayed through long years. From soon after the first few months of their marriage when they sensed delay in conception, they began praying. And so they prayed till they were well stricken with years! They refused to lose faith in God. They refused to give up on Him. They refused to blame Him. They refused to rebel against Elshadai. They refused to be bitter against Him. And all this while, yes all this long time GOD was watching and keeping records of their submission and obedience to His will though painful it was for them to bear. And at His appointed time He visited them and blessed them with an eminent and peculiar son, JOHN THE BAPTIST!

Are you serving God in purity and holiness and yet groaning in pain due to the absence of one thing or another for which you’ve prayed yourself hoarse and yet the answer is no where in sight? PLEASE, DON’T GIVE UP. Your answer will come. An Angel will bring you the good tidings just as it happened for Zechariah and Elizabeth:

“But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.”(Luke 1:13)

God is Righteous and Holy. Hold on in faith and He will visit you and satisfy you with fatness.

Tonight, you’re going to have a new Honeymoon.
Make love as if you are meeting each other for the first time. That mindset will make the experience unique, rich and adventurous.

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