WHEN GOD EXTRACTED THE RIB from the body of Adam, he could have turned it into a teenage girl but didn’t. He could have formed a young woman of twenty but still didn’t. What did He do? He took His time and divinely crafted that RIB into a full fledged, full-grown and fully matured WOMAN with big hips, big butts, stretch marks, thigh dimples, curves and contours on the sides of her torso, vellus hairs in her buttcleft, and drooping breasts. Why? Because Adam was a Man and not a Boy; and only a Woman would be good enough to fill the role of A HELPER SUITABLE FOR HIM as He had earlier promised:
“And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I WILL MAKE HIM AN HELP MEET FOR HIM.”(Genesis 2: 18).
Dear Wives, God’s plan for you is that you serve Him as A WOMAN in the life of your husband and not as a Girl. Stop wasting efforts and financial resources trying so hard to look like a teenage girl. Neither God nor your husband needs that in marriage. This is the truth.
Many wives, as a result of their ignorance of God’s Word, allow themselves to be financially milked by the cosmetic surgery industry that promises to transform them into delectable beauties overnight, earning them compliment and admiration from “everyone.” Many who have patronized these self-appointed “re-creators” of the human body have lived to regret it. For some, it’s worse because they died on the operation table and never lived to have the opportunity to even regret!
The features of your body as a Woman were created by God for His pleasure(Revelation 4: 11) and they are also given to your husband to enjoy in marriage. Your thigh dimples which the greedy cosmetician calls cellulite are no diseases to be cured. Your stretch marks are signs of your feminity. Your curves and contours aren’t in any way ugly. They are Love handles for your husband to pamperingly, gently and lovingly hold and caress for your mutual enjoyment during Love Cruises. Those hairs on your butts, armpits, groin, and around your nipples don’t need shaving. They are there for your husband. The sheer sight of them turn him on. Infact, your entire body as a woman is a delight given to your husband to enjoy and to get intoxicated with you. And so what are you to do? Lavishly unleash your womanhood on him EVERYDAY.
You probably didn’t know this all along: the Body of a Woman is like strong Wine. It holds intoxicating powers(Proverbs 5: 19). The more your husband sees and drinks your Body(Proverbs 5:15), the more inebriated, drunk and addicted he’ll be to you. It will keep you at the forefront of his thinking. It will keep the seen and the unseen Delilahs away.
And now to the husbands.
You are a Man and not a Boy. Your thinking and reasoning should match your status as a Man:
“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: BUT WHEN I BECAME A MAN, I PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS.”(1 Corinthians 13: 11)
You should now see things from divine perspective. A full-grown and full fledged WOMAN is what you need and not a secondary school girl. Thankfully God has honoured you with a WOMAN who is exclusively yours. Be gratefully contented with her. All and everything you need in a Lover are already in her. Therefore stop playing the fool by going after school girls. It’s an honour to be blessed with a Wife. Don’t insult and dishonour yourself by going after immoral women.
Marriage is a glorious celebration of love, affection and romance. Marriage is a love world. Marriage is a Love Affair. Make these true definitions of marriage realities in your matrimony by recognizing, accepting and loving each other merrily and zestfully all day long, all night long!
Tonight’s assignment is: Visit YOUTUBE. Type ANSELM AHMAN. When you see that YouTube Channel, search for my Song titled: URINYO LIGOO. It’s a Love Song for married couples and particularly for Husbands.
It’s a ministration to men to love their wives.
Listen to the music. It’s sure to bless your marriage, even though you may not understand the language.
And, kindly subscribe to my Channel by touching the Subscription button, if you’ve never done so. Thanks!💕